Assault Raider DLX (Full Version)

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neodiabolus -> Assault Raider DLX (3/21/2011 22:59:11)

Assault Raider DLX

Level: 33
Price: 363,000 Credits
Sellback: 36,300 Credits

Location: AvP Mecha

HP: 529
EP: 450
EP Regen: 17

  • 70 Immobility

    Description: This raider mecha is designed for punching holes into starships and boarding them. STAR CAPTAIN BONUS: Weapons have unique abilities that are only accessible by Star Captains.
    Image: Assault Raider DLX

    Thanks to PD for original entry.

  • Peachii -> RE: Assault Raider DLX (3/23/2011 6:50:19)

    Raider Bowlbomb DLX

    Equip Slot: Front Arm
    Damage Ranges: 57-69
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • High Chance for a Critical Hit
    (Star Captain Only)
  • Chance for "Star Captain Bonus: Fuel Explosion!", deals EP DoT for 5 turns

    Combos: None

    Description: Is this for bowling or battling? Excellent for rolling critical strikes. Star Captain Bonus: Fuel Explosion.
    Image: Raider Bowlbomb DLX

    Thanks to
    -- glaisaurus_x for image.
    -- SDF for image.
    -- PD for original entry.

    Ballywrack DLX

    Equip Slot: Back Arm
    Damage Type: None
    Damage Ranges: 53-73
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • Chance of "Bally Wracked! Chance for lowered attack damage each round!", activates Ballywracked effect
  • If Bally Wracked is activated, Chance of "Bally Wracked: -50 damage to next attack", reduces damage to 50% of the initial damage for that turn.

    Combos: None

    Description: Machine-wrecking device used by pirates in shipboarding maneuvers. Opponents may become inconsistent and may not attack at full power after getting Ballywracked.
    Image: Ballywrack DLX

    Thanks to PD for original entry.

  • Peachii -> RE: Assault Raider DLX (3/23/2011 6:53:59)

    Fuzed RaidDart DLX

    Equip Slot: Front/Back Shoulder
    Damage Ranges: 61-65
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 5
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 3
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects: (Once activated, effect lasts for ten turns)
  • Chance of Damage boost for each and every hit
  • If last hit connects: Chance of "Off Balance! Attacker has an Advantage" activates Hit Advantage effect
  • If Hit Advantage has been activated: Chance of "Hit Advantage: +40 to Attack Bonus for this round!" Applies +40 to your attack bonus.

    Combos: None

    Description: Advanced Fuze technology boosts the damage of this dart-styled Pirate raiding missile. Star Captain exclusive: Hit Advantage gives the chance (per round) for a High Attack Bonus.
    Image: Fuzed RaidDart DLX

    Thanks to
    -- Final Five for correction.
    -- PD for original entry.

  • Peachii -> RE: Assault Raider DLX (3/23/2011 7:00:24)

    Raider Hullpiecer DLX

    Equip Slot: Head
    Damage Ranges: 51-75
    Damage Type: Explosive
    Hits: 2
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects:
  • 1st Hit: Chance of "Spontaneous Fires!", dealing Fire DoT for 6 turns
  • If Spontaneous Fires effect activates: Chance of "Spontaneous Fires! Lost X Points of Damage!", target loses 15-30 damage that turn

  • 2nd Hit: Chance of "Power Fluctuations!", activates the Power Fluctuations effects
  • If Power Fluctuations effects activates: Chance of "Power Fluctuations! Lost X Points of Energy!", target loses 15-30 Energy that turn

    Combos: None

    Description: This powerful laser cutter can even pierce Starship hulls! May cause Spontaneous Fire or Power Fluctuations.
    Image: Raider Hullpiercer DLX

    Thanks to
    -- glaisaurus_x for correction.
    -- PD for original entry.

    Boarding Handspring DLX

    Equip Slot: Body
    Damage Ranges: 60-66
    Damage Type: None
    Hits: 1
    Energy: 50
    Cooldown: 5
    Bonuses: None
    Special Effects: (Once activated, effect lasts for ten turns)
  • Chance of "Scrathed Occular Lens!", activates Scrathed Occular Lens effect.
  • After Scrathed Occular Lens effect: "Scrathed Occular Lens! -30 to Attack Bonus! ", lowers target's Attack Bonus by 30%
    (Star Captain Only)
  • After Scrathed Occular Lens effect has taken effect: "Scrathed Occular Lens! -50 to Attack Bonus! (Star Captain Bonus=20)", lowers target's Attack Bonus by 50%

    Combos: None

    Description: Specially trained pirates use this boarding attack when raiding starships. Causes Scratched Ocular Lens, which put your opponents at a disadvantage - gives the chance per round for a Low Attack Bonus.
    Image: Boarding Handspring DLX

    Thanks to PD for original entry.

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