RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (Full Version)

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Epsilon2012 -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/29/2011 22:50:31)

The next Villain should be something ridiculous like Mr-I-Hate-Tinny-Puppies!!!

Ancientz -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/29/2011 22:54:11)

Naaaahh... I mean its just a name, you dont know their personalities.

DragonFormers -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/29/2011 23:51:35)

I really think i wont win because of the lake of not hearing or seeing me, but i tried, and it was my first video, so it was fun. Yet i'm here to win because the first day i played Dragonfable, i played on all of my accounts about everyday. And if i were to log in and see myself forever in HeroSmash, well it would make my life (and i could tell my friends[:)]).
And i was thinking of buying the card game too anyway, so why not try to get it for free. so plz, i know my video was not so close to the rules, but it would just make me happy knowing a AE staff member watched it.

Ancientz -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/29/2011 23:56:42)

I saw ur video it was pretty good, but if u went for hero I'm pretty sure they already voted for a hero and villain already... And I love DragonFable....First Game I played. And dont just keep pressuring yourself, just hope you will win.

Soulhunter Lee -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 9:14:39)

Nooo, there's something with Windows Movie Maker D:
Can't process the video

laderahunter -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 9:25:12)

Hi Artix I Have A Question

How many times can we make a entries?

When will you say who will be the next NPC?

Thank you artix


IceCold -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 9:56:55)

@Soulhunter Lee: Windows Movie Maker is broken to everyone. Me, I couldn't save my video. My good friend Slycooperfan1 also couldn't save HIS vid.
@laderahunter: 1 entry per month and BattleOnGames will comment on the winner's video in Youtube.

D1F3Forum -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 10:04:50)

I am starting my video. My character is Vaenjaece.

Backstory: Some call him paranoid. After the tragedy that struck him, it is hard not to be. When Vaenjaece was just 5 years old, his life came tumbling down. The self-proclaimed heros of super city took his most prized possession (His autographed Artix plushie...come on he was 5!!!). In anger he lashed out at them. After destroying most of super city he realized he had not even destroyed the person who had actually committed the crime. You say villains are evil...angry...revenge-filled. Vaenjaece just wants vengeance for what he lost. Call him evil, call him paranoid, fight against will not win!!

Catch phrase: I am Vaenjaece, and my vengaece shall be known!!!

P.S. I hope you guys like it...and most of all the staff!!! The video should be up in a couple day...Vaenjaece shall reign!!!

Drakkoniss -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 10:15:14)

Hope your video rocks Knight of the Dragon!

Sadly I will not know, because I'm not allowed on youtube....

Soulhunter Lee -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 10:56:22)

@IceCold: Oh... of course it needs to be broken right now. I hate you Murphy's law D:

Knight of the Dragon -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 11:37:47)

Thanks for the support xD It's going well so far, though I am absolutely embarassed by how I look in the video (Everyone will know what I look like in real life. Or it could be my gullible friend, a clone, or a disguise! You may never know!)

My video should be up by tomorrow in my backup account.

~Knight of the Dragon

Brisingrwolf -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 12:20:33)

@icecold will they comment immediately on the video?

IceCold -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 12:25:20)

Why do I feel like mr. know-it-all?:D

@Soulhunter Lee: I think this has something to do with Microsoft wanting us to use Windows Live Movie Maker:D
@Brisingrwolf: I dunno, because on herosmashsteve's video, they first said "awesome" and the next day they said that he won. As soon as they see the video on the entry thread, they will comment. (If needed)

Brisingrwolf -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 14:59:19)

great mines nearly been on for a week, and nothing -_-

IceCold -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 15:10:31)

4-5 days. Patience my friend. They haven't seen yours probably.

brol.... -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 15:50:24)

That isn't a clear answer, if you are saying i can film my self irl with a mix of film of HS than i already know that. The thing is i want to just record the Hs part

Lilly AE -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 16:39:51)

Hello! I’m new to the underground lab, but I wanted to jump in and say that Artix won’t always announce the winners as soon as he views the entry.

I know for a fact that Artix has signed off on a Top-Secret project to make an NPC right now for someone who hasn’t been announced as a winner yet!


Doom Desirer -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 21:00:06)

@above You take us as fools, really? We know forum mods and mods when we see them.

Circe -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 21:39:25)

She's not a mod, but she is a team member. :) That's Lilly, the Queen of Marketing! Wooooooooo

Clown the Jester -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 21:42:49)

Woops! Ha Ha Ha! That makes things most aqward! Glad to see ya apart of the AE team Lilly.

OAS Spartan -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 22:28:59)

Welcome Serah Lilly. Hope to see you around.
Well I know I have a 0.000000000000000000000001% chance of winning, mainly because I will never make a video... well actually that's the only reason.

Joecindychrisjohn -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/30/2011 22:31:46)

Are there going to be other contestswhere we can become major heroes/villains in the game. I (and probably many others) don't want to make a video of myself LARP-ing on YouTube for everyone to see. Plus I don't have the proper equipment. I think a lot of us would rather DRAW or animate our characters.

braun747 -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/31/2011 0:45:18)

Man its times like this when i wish i had a video camera ive got a webcam but not much help there theres just one thing i wana say to everyone competing. DONT be afraid to make a fool of yourselves i my self would like to see someone besides me looking kinda crazy and rediculas because thats my average day. hmm maybe if i had a camera i could make a vid that utalizes my clumsyness as some kind of superpower. only on last thing to say before i go and thats. BATTLE ON my friends or enemies depending on your hero/villian status.

I like your backstory idea thats somthing that hadn't even come to my mind i give ya props for that cant wait to see your vid and good luck my villinous friend.(forgive the terrible spelling)

Posts merged, please do not double post. Next time use the Edit button when you post. ~Digi

RodrigoUZ -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/31/2011 8:23:08)

Unfortunately, I won't be able to start filming untill next week. I do believe it will turn ut epic.

Knight of the Dragon -> RE: =HS= Who will be HeroSmash's Next Major Hero or Villain?! [Discussion] (3/31/2011 11:22:18)

Two day into editing and it's going absolutely well! I still have some things to video on HeroSmash though, but expect it to be up by tomorrow for sure xD

~Knight of the Dragon

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