Azugul -> I'm not happy (3/26/2011 20:50:07)
First of all, I want to say that I'm not flaming. I don't HATE players who pay for Varium. However, there are a few things I've noticed: 1) They are VASTLY overpowered. I was just recently in a 2v2 fight. I was on a team with another non-varium, and there was a non-varium player on the other team, and one was a varium player with all-varium items. He was an assassin. The non-varium on the other team left, leaving me and my partner against a varium who was a lower level than us. I poisoned him, and he called me a "loser noob" (keep in mind, he's 2 levels below me). In the next 2 minutes or so, he had beaten my partner and brought me down to really low health. The next turn, he killed me, offering another "noob." It's ridiculous how overpowered Varium players are. It's enough that their gear looks awesome. They fact that it is VASTLY superior to non-varium gear is inexcusible. I have heard a lot of players tell me that AE is "all about the money." If this is true, you should just make your games P2P. It's not fun when you barrage us with offers to "buy Varium" or in AQW "buy an Upgrade" or "buy AC." It's even less fun if you make the members/paying players of your games waaaaaay too good. I understand that you guys refer to free players of your games as "server clog" (Artix's very own post on the AQW wiki confirms this), but that doesn't mean your entire games have to be advertisments to pay you guys more and more money. I'm sure you already make enough. Every Friday, AQW comes out with a new release. Every month or so, ED comes out with a new release. Ever noticed that probably around 9/10 of the items you release are either for Upgrades, AC, or Varium? Your "free" games are just a demo, so stop advertising them as free. Just a frustrated player speaking here. Go ahead and delete this. That would just show how truly little you care about the unpaying population of your games.