febmaster -> The Half-Wolf (3/27/2011 19:39:33)
http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=19974734 for commentary http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18818670 for critique request Prologue: The Demon of Chandapore I am Rajeev Kashmir, a man of Sikh descent. Listen to my story well, as you might find it intriguing. Now my great-grandfather Vishal, a Sikh, had hated his son-inlaw, Lawrence Wycliffe, simply because he was an Englishman. He kept searching ways to destroy him, until one day he found a group of traveling gypsies. He had bought an ointment from them that claimed to transform you into a wolf. The ointment, which was from the eternally damned Satan himself was labeled:Even he who is pure of heart, sinless of soul, can become a murderous beast by light of the full moon, if he is bitten by the lycan, that wolf-like beast, or if he takes the Devil's ointment. However, if you take the ointment, you are giving Satan possession of your soul. Desperate and angry, he rubbed the ointment on his skin. He remembered waking up the next day, seeing mangled corpses and their blood on his hands and teeth. Satisfied, he invited his son-in-law Lawrence to take a walk with him in the moonlit forest. When he got there, he began to shift form. Lawrence drew his revolver and ran, glancing back only to shoot and miss. He could not outrun the beast, however, and he knew his fate was sealed. Vishal took him up to a hill, laid his corpse, and let out a deep, fearsome and chilling howl. Chapter 1: London, England "No," Mike Wycliffe said. "I ain't going." 17-year old Mike was happy in Chicago. "You're going," his mother said. "Uncle Rajeev can take you to see daddy!" Mike always had mixed emotions about his father. He was angry that his dad wouldn't see him, but he was sad for the same reason. To him, having a father figure would fill a big void in fim. At the same time, he resented his father. "Look mom," he said. "I'm late for school." "It's Saturday, honey," she replied. "You are coming with me to England." Mike sighed. "At least could you take me to the movies tonight?" Mike said. "I promised Leanne, Bradley, and Joey that I would be there." She sighed. "Only if you come to England." He disregarded the comment. "Whatev," he said, not wholeheartedly agreeing to go to England. Later that night, he was at the movies with his girlfriend Leanna Swanson and his friends Bradley Benton and Joey Richardson. Mike is tall, slightly tanned thanks to his mothers Indian heritage, and had dark hair. Leanne was beautiful, had silky brown hair, and bright blue eyes. "Seriously, dude, why do we watch these retarded chick flicks?" Bradley said. Bradley was blonde, stocky, and muscular. "I think this movie is stellar," Joey said. "Ah, the science of emotion." Joey is short, brown-haired, and wear's glasses. He is clearly the school nerd. After the movie was over, Bradley drove the friends to his house, and they partied until they slept. Chapter 2: Werewolves The next morning, the friends' parents picked them up. Mike's mom picked him up. However, as they rode, they passed home. "What?" Mike said. "Where the hell are we going, we passed home!" His mother smiled. "England, sweetheart." They sped to the airport. As their plane landed, Mike was muttering. "Stupid...frickin' retarded gibberish....don't wanna be here..." "Hush, Mike!" his mother said. They went to door-dto door, looking at several different houses. "He said he lives here somewhere...Ah there it is!" They opened the door and were greeted by an old Indian man with a long beard, a turban, a silver sword sheathed on his left hip, and a silver crucifix on his neck. "Hello, sister, Michael," he said in an educated, fluent English accent. "I am Rajeev Kashmir." Mike chuckled, and punched him in the face without warning. However, Rajeev seemed to be expecting it and grabbed Mike's hand before it hit him and flipped him over with surprising strength. A silver sword and revolver were pointed down at him. Mike got up, and the first thing he saw was silver weapons hung on the wall, along with what seemed to be wolf heads. He went over to a drawer and found a book titled "Lupus Homines Satanae." Satan's Wolf Men. However, he could not read Latin and had to ask Rajeev. "Surely you read Latin?" he asked. "I thought you were my nephew." In the same cabinet, he found silver bullets, a silver knife, and a silver revolver. "You honestly believe in werewolves?" Mike asked. "I hunt them, my dear boy," Rajeev asked. "You may laugh now, but you will not when you see your father is one. That is why he couldn't see you." Normally, Mike would have felt his mix of emotions, but he broke out into a laughter. "Wow, you're retarded," he said. He turned the page. Rajeev read it. "Kyrie eleison, quae nos pro diabolo lupi nobis. Quem etimus ut accomoda Iter digneris et habiles ad arma indue quod sancti Dei armis, Ut vincere cottidie militant contra Satanam socios. In nomine Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti." Lord, have mercy and protect us, for the devil's wolves are upon us. We ask that you make bright our path, and may you grant us the ability to put on your armor, so may win our daily fight against Satan and his accomplices. In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. "This is the first ever manual on Werewolf Hunting, something you need to study soon," Rajeev said. "It's amazing the book didn't wear away, so you have to read it while you're here. You might be laughing now, but you'll thank me later." Using Google Translate, Mike studied it all night, thinking that it was stupid and ridiculous. "Using silver may either kill or cure the wolf," he read. "Running away is never a good idea, for you are putting yourself in a vulnerable position. Their speed is inhumanly fast and you cannot fight while running, so your best chance is to fight it with a silver weapon." He then looked at another book. "Les Comptes Rendous Historiques sur les Loups-Garous." He sighed. "Isn't there anything in English here?!" He looked through the book, using Google Translate. "The Beast of Gevaudan, The Gallup Wolf, The Chandapore Demon...wait, Vishal Kashmir!" he said. "Wow this is wierd....my great great grandfather, a werewolf." He scoffed. He turn the page. "The Mountain Hermit..." he read. "Name is Johnathan Wycliffe....wait, dad?!" he exclaimed. "Wow this just keeps getting wierder...." He called Leanne. "Yeah, babe I might not come to school for a while....you see, my mother abducted me to England. Yeah, babe, ENGLAND. Oh, yeah that's right, I forgot about the talent show...yeah, I'll bring my guitar...You see, my uncle and mom are crazy frickin' retards, they believe in werewolves and stuff..." "Wait, WEREWOLVES?!" Leanne exclaimed. "Hahahahaha!!! Oh my God, thats so frickin crazy!" "Yeah, I know, Twilight does things to people..." Mike said. "And they're making me study them, too." Suddenly, he heard Rajeev knock. "Who is in there with you?!" he asked. "I gotta go babe, my mental uncle is here," Mike said, scrambling to put the cellphone back in his pocket. Chapter 3: Johnathan Wycliffe The next day, Mike woke up in a Rajeev's private jet. He had a silver gun in his hand. "Woah, what the hell?!" he said. "WHAT THE FRICKIN HELL?!" Clearly Mike had had enough of planes and abductions. "We are going to the Himalayas to see your father," Mike's mom said. "He's been suffering, but he needs you to cure him...he's really been wanting that." They landed in the Himalayas and were greeted by a group of Sherpas with silver AK-47's. "Wow, this is really jacked up..." Mike said, loading his revolver. The group traveled up the mountain, and were greeted by a man. Mike's mom ran out to hug him. "So you did come for me..." the man said. "Like you said you would." The two cried and kissed. "Dad?!" Mike said, not knowing what else to say. Hearing his son's voice seemed to make him lose the magic of the moment. "Listen, we don't have much time," Mike's dad said. "The sun is setting, and it's a full moon tonight. Shoot me, I know it's a gamble, but it's my only shot. " Mike was starting to take his dad seriously, but wasn't convinced with the werewolf thing.. "You selfish little...." Mike said. "You abandon your son, and you use that stupid story as an excuse?! Damn you, man, damn you!" Mike's father looked down disdainfully. "I know this is hard to believe and hard to listen to, but you got to trust me...." Mike's dad said, choking in mid-sentence. "Dad?!" Mike said. His father seemed to be deaf for a moment, because he didn't reply. He looked as if he was having a siezure. The Sherpas and the family moved back, drawing their weapons. "I was born a werewolf..." he said, choking. "I was born this WAAAAYYY!!!!" The last word sounded like a howl. Hair started growing on his body, his bones cracked, his nails and teeth grew, and his ears and nose elongated. He let out a frightening howl, then disappeared into the dark forest on the mountain. Sherpas looked here and there, only to be ambushed by the beast, missing the werewolf with their shots, and even accidentally shooting each other.The beast lumbered out of the darkness, growling. His wife aimed a shot, but missed as she was tackled. Then, a final swipe from the wolf's claw smote her. Mike took this seriously for the first time. He thought that if werewolves were possible, chances are is that what was said about silver and werewolves is probably true. Mike aimed the revolver at his father's head as the lycan slowly inched toward him. It was him or the wolf. However, when actually having to make a choice about killing his father to live, all the emotions had got to him. He dropped his weapon and knelt, coughing up sobs. His father, whose mind was now an animal's, had no compassion and memory of his son. He leaped on Mike and bit him in the neck. Fortunately (or not), it was not a killing bite. Rajeev pulled out his silver shotgun and yelled out, trying desperately to grab Johnathan Wycliffe's attention. Finally he succeeded, and with one hesitating shot, Johnathan the werewolf fell back. He shifted to human form. Mike leaned over him and said, "Dad?!" Johnathan smiled, his body bloody and agonized. "Yes, son..." he managed to choke out. "I'm sorry," Mike sobbed. "I love you dad, and I hope you don't die. Don't leave me again, damn it!" Johnathan smiled at his son. "I guess this was how it had to be, my little Mikey," his dad sobbed, smiling. Mike was desperate, and felt guilty that he laughed at Rajeev's warnings. Now....he was desperate for his dad's life, but completely powerless. "No!!" Mike cried. "Don't go! Please, dad PLEASE!" Johnathan smiled. "I'm sorry, but I have to leave you again," Johnathan said. "Move on with your life, I wasn't a great father, and with my disease I would have never been. It was curable, but unlikely curable." He smiled. "Bye, Mikey." Mike tried to say goodbye, but it was to hard for him. He ended up leaning over his dad's chest, crying heavily. He felt no pulse, no breath. Johnathan Wycliffe had passed on. Mike cried harder. Chapter 4: The Foxenwood High Massacre The next day, Rajeev took him home. "You're going to be a werewolf the next full moon," Rajeev warned. "I'm sorry for the loss of your mother and father." "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Mike said. "It's all your fault, I don't care if you saved my life, I hate you!!! I FRIGGIN' HATE YOU!!!" Rajeev understood his sadness and left him to be by himself. Tonight was the next full moon. After he had calmed down, he went outside to take a walk. His friend waited for him "What?!" he said. "This really ain't a good time for this." Bradley handed Mike his guitar. "Tonight's the talent show, dude!" he said. "No, this really isn't a good time!" Mike said. "Shut up, babe," Leanne said. They went to school, and the talent show was all set up. "Come on, dude, we're late." Joey said. They went up on stage. "And now, it is time for Leanne Swanson and the band!" the principal announced. Joey performed a drum roll on his drum set. Bradley played a riff on his bass guitar. Mike just smiled. They began to play Rocketeer by Far East movement. Leanne played the piano and Mike played the acoustic guitar as they sang. Then Bradley and Joey started rapping. Suddenly, Mike's guitar strings began to break. Everyone stopped playing. Mike's nails were growing, his hair was sprouting, his teeth sharpened into canines, and his ears and snout elongated. He smashed the guitar and attacked the audience. There was screaming and panicking. Chairs were being thrown. "RUN!" one guy screamed. "AAAAAHHH!!!!" That was the last thing he said. A girl screamed and called 911. That was her last call. Blood was everywhere. Leanne was afraid; she had to bail out on her friends. Werewolf Mike haided straight for Joey. He bit him in the neck. Joey fell, screaming. Then he went after Bradley. He punched Mike, kicked his groin, and as he yelped in pain, Bradley held Mike's head down and kneed it. Mike was in pain, and bit Bradley's knee in panic. Bradley screamed and pushed him, knocking him into and breaking some chairs and tables. The SWAT team had arrived, however, and the students felt lucky. They weren't in reality. The SWAT opened fire, leaving Joey ime to escape. All those automatic and powerful guns had no effect on Mike, however, as the bullets were not silver and bounced off his body. The SWAT tried tear gas. No effect on Mike, lots on the students. Mike effortlessly killed all the students and SWAT team members. Leanne and Joey ran outside, barely managing to stay alive. Bradley wasn't lucky at all. Mike woke up the next day, seeing bloody corpses. He saw Leanne and Joey there. He saw Joey's neck bite and began to fire. Joey ran, screaming and dodging the bullets. "Mike," Leanne said. "I still love you, no matter what happened." She cried and hugged him, but he pushed her off, kicking her in the face while she was on the ground. "What does it matter, Leanne?!" Mike said angrily. "I'm a killer, a monster!" Leanne shook her head. "It's not your fault, Mikey." Mike wasn't convinced. For a moment, he blamed everyone else. His mother for taking him to England (He grieved his mother's death, but blamed her for others' deaths nonetheless), Rajeev for taking him to his father, his father for biting him, and himself for laughing at Rajeev and Mike's mother's warnings. He broke down and cried, then stood back up. He knew that the rest of the month was a full moon. He handed Leanne his silver revolver. "Take this to defend your self and go," Mike told her gravely. Leanne took the gun and tried to speak, but Mike interrupted her, yelling "GO!" She ran away from him. Chapter 4: The Final Battle Nights went by, and Mike and Joey keep waking up remembering nothing that hapens at night, only remembering waking up next to dead bodies. Mike went home and watched the news. "There have been mysterious murders around town," the anchor said. "Mass bloody killings have been made, starting at Foxenwood High School. FBI and police strongly believe that these murders are linked." Mike turned off the TV. He and Joey met to talk at the forest. Mike was followed by Rajeev, who was heavily armed. Leanne also followed, her revolver loaded with Rajeev's silver bullets. Joey had insisted that he asked Mike to tell him more about the whole werewolf thing. Mike explained. "....and that's basically it," he sighed. They got so much into the conversation that the full moon managed to show. They both shifted. Leanne and Rajeev hid, weapons drawn. Joey and Mike squared off, growling and howling at each other. Joey lunged forward and struck Mike's face with a mighty swipe of his claw, the same kind that killed Mike's mother. Mike yelped in pain, than jumped on Joey, slashing and biting. Then he threw Joey into a tree and jumped up after him. They fought, clawing and biting as they plummeted to the ground. Blood leaked from claw and bite marks on their bodies. Mike jumped into Joey, slashing him and Joey kicked him off. Mike's ribs were crushed and he fell back, unable to move. Joey slowly crawled toward Mike, fangs bared. Under a rock, Rajeev and Leanne had their weapons ready. Rajeev hesitated to fire, feeling what Mike felt with his dad. "Leanne, do you love Mike more than I do?!" She nodded. "Then free him of his pain as I cannot." Leanne sobbed and struggled, closed her eyes, and fired six shots. She missed, and warned the werewolves. Rajeev drew his sword and revolver and gave his sword to Leanne. "If they keep fighting they will die eventually," Rajeev said. "They'll at least have a chance to survive if you slash them." The werewolves fast approached. They leaped, and Joey tackled Kashmir. He howled, then bit him ferociously, tearing the skin off his neck. Mike jumped on Leanne, but she stabbed him. He howled in pain and agony, then shifted to human form. Leanne got up. As Rajeev was being held down, he aimed the revolver and shot Joey. He fell back and shifted to human form. Leanne panted and Rajeev spit ou blood. "Are you okay?!" she asked Rajeev. "I'll be fine," was the answer. To Rajeev and Leanne's happiness, all of the wounds on Mike's body closed. He could not feel the pain of the battle. Rajeev knew that Mike was cured. However, to his dismay, Joey just lay there. Mike and Leanna rushed to Joey. "Please don't do this, Joey," Mike said. "Joey, I ran away as you were being attacked," Leanne said. She broke into tears of sadness and guilt. "Hey, hey, don't worry guys," Joey said. "It's way better than living as a murderer and having to answer that to God." Leanne and Mike sqwueezed Joey's hands tight, and they sobbed vigourously. "Adios, amigos," Joey said with his last breath. His grip loosened. He had passed. "So, babe," Mike said, "I guess it's just us now." She nodded vigourously, with tears of sadness, happiness, and guilt. Both Mike and Leanne felt an overwhelming sense of love as they embraced each other. "Which reminds me," Mike said, bending down and pulling out a silver ring, "will you marry me and be my wife, Ms. Leanne Swanson?" Again she nodded wordlessly and emotionally, and the two kissed long as the sun rose. Epilogue: The Demon's Spawn I am Rajeev Kashmir, and I cannot believe what had just happened. I am a beast myself, just like my cursed great-grandfather. I pound the ground in frustration, pick up my weapons, and walk, anxiously awaiting the night and the full moon, not knowing and not caring to where I walk. Hours pass, and the moon starts to rise. I stop dead in my tracks, and the last thing I hear before blacking out is a long, chilling, deep, and fearsome howl. I am ready to hunt; ready to kill, with the mindset of the Devil's wolf himself. [Critique Request] The Half-Wolf Edited links to remove the ? box annoyance. ~Eukara Vox