Supertails -> Supes' Attempts at Songs (And Maybe Poems) (3/31/2011 8:49:49)
Thread Here So after an emotional breakdown, I found myself and my pen drawn to the notebook that sat at my desk. For a while I was lost in another world, all worries gone as I explored it, a feeling of absolute bliss as the world was manifested through my pen onto the paper. When I was (sadly) done with the trip, I found that I had written a song, which was a first for me...but I realized also that I loved doing it, and decided to venture back into that world a day or two later. This, my friends, is what happened to me March 27th, and after that...Supes became a songwriter. So! I'm going to be doing this more often, and I want your help. As always, I hate everything I write so I want your honest unbiased opinions. Anything I could change, make better, typos, whatever. I need critiques! Also, I'll put an explanation of each song beneath the link (it's more fun to read it first and see if you get it, though!) because some people've told me they don't understand what I'm writing about in them. :[ Songs The Sky Collapsed I wrote this song right after a total nervous and emotional breakdown, after Sharon helped me out of it. It was very inspired by Owl City's (my favourite singer) lyrics, and I wanted to give it a dreamy sort of feel. The idea of the song came to me just...thinking of laying there in a field with your best friend, staring up at the stars when...suddenly a meteor shower begins. To the two kids in the grass, it seems like the stars are falling down to the if the sky were collapsing. And in that moment, having a blast, imagination running wild, you truly realize that friendship. How no matter what, you two will always have each other. Like how even when I was at my worst, Sharon was still there for me. April Ballet This one is the one people mostly weren't understanding, though it's possibly my favourite of the two. The premise is a lot more simple. I was just thinking about sitting there at a window during a rainstorm, staring out at the drops falling from my butts. Just looking out there, getting lost in it, being able to run away from the real world and retreat into your imagination where everything isn't so bleak. But then my butts begin to part and the sun hits your eyes, forcing you to snap back into reality and face it, face the real world again...and the real you. Picturesque I was thinking up something to write another song about, and the concept of writing one about photographs intrigued me. Photos are magical things, so what better to write a magical song about? But with the idea also came the thought of the sad memories that must be contained within as well, and how sorely you can miss those that you shared moments with in those paper flashbacks.