Practel -> RE: Some forms of search altering. (4/4/2011 18:17:25)
The issue with changing the match made range (Currently in a scale of 1-5) is that, the majority of fighters earn credits and gain battle tokens and win ratios on NPCs, and most NPCs are level 27. That is why, when you raise a level cap (For instance when the cap is raised to 33, it will make a big difference for people who NPC, for instance, Hulk, Exile Trooper, The girl that sells the bike, and many more). I agree, if Im up to battle with a level 27, I will most likely win, but if im up against a 32 I wont. I am happy with how the match making system works now, but when I joined over a year ago, leveling was easier as the caps wernt as high (Level 27 that got pared with a level 30 had a massive chance of winning) and the weapons wernt as powerful. I created an alt, and got to level 17 without any issues, I failed to continue with that alt though, sadly because I haven't had the time to get around. (Actually Im gonna go play now :P) I can't get the perspective of a non-varium player until I reach level 27, which may be a long time.