I have a new use for the NPCs (Full Version)

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Fay Beeee -> I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:27:26)

Apart from farming
time to talk to friends

Peace and quiet lol. No one saying f4f. :)

What do you think?

Jacktaz -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:30:01)

this also would be good for lower levels becuase when your hitting the roads from 27-32 your gonna get knocked down alot
this would help be giving them that extra push.

DeathGuard -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:30:47)

It would be really nice, even varium user nows beg f4f :P.

midnight assassin -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:31:51)


Edit: maybe I'll add a lot on ignore list as well

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The Doctor -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:43:07)

People already fought NPCs for peace and quiet, Fay.
There are just more reasons to do so now.

Thank you,
~The Doctor

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:53:04)

I like how NPCS talk it makes it less boring to fight a long battle with no talking or sound. I never want them to remove NPC chat.

Fay Beeee -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 13:56:51)

I do not mean remove the chat they have.
It is just a nice place to go where NO_ONE says f4f. lol

Light Stridr -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 17:31:56)

I'm waiting for the Exile Soldier (who is currently mute) to say something.
It would have been funny if they coded it so the first thing they said was f4f for an April Fool's Prank.

veneeria -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 18:20:48)

makes no difference for me. That might just be a personal use for you.. for me it is the same has fighting a talking door.

me: hi door!
door: hi!
me: D:

Ashari -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 18:25:41)

Too bad all the NPCs I fight are big talkers. =P

But yeah, I'll take Marauder Hulk's smack talk over the spam in Oz 7 any day.

PumKing -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 18:32:27)

I completely agree here, f4f is out of hand, love how npc's don't say stupid stuff like that, instead say stuipd stuff like, "Meow" (Marauder Hulk when you crit him XD lol, love it)

and as for the whole 'fame4fame' problem, I have the solution. However, I want to point out that this IS NOT A QUICK FIX, but is a fix (my name in game is different thanin forums, so I'm not worried about in game hate XP )

when someone says, f4f, you say, sure, or yes, or some form of agreement, then once they fame you, you DON'T fame them back, this then lead to one of two out comes of which I have encountered
1. they say, "OK, now fame me back" to which my reply is, "Nah, I'm ok" (not only funny, but this shuts them up XD )
2. they don't notice until after the battle, think its a fluke, and ask someone else, next battle, to which the same thing happens again, eventually they will get the hint (because if you are asking for fame you are checking up on it every so-often as a rule for being a fame nub) then realize that no one really famed them and they get the hint and quit asking (there self esteem may go down as a result of this, but don't worry, if there self esteem goes down from not getting fame3d in virtual reality, they are aa really messed up person who is deserved of no sympathy and needs to SERL re-prioritize there life)

veneeria -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 18:33:38)

personally! i find it pretty rude for npcs not saying hi or gg when i one hit kill them in the first round.

King FrostLich -> RE: I have a new use for the NPCs (4/3/2011 18:41:17)

That's what I always do :D.

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