Balu -> Guardian Twily! (4/3/2011 15:09:21)
[image][/image][image][/image] Guardian Twily! Also see Twily! Z and Twily! Level: 132 Power Level: 135 Price: 537374 1,681,414 Sellback: 268687 840,707 Location: Jeremy's Quest Element: Earth Training Difficulty: -66 ATTACK RATES Rate at -66 CHA: 67% Rate at 0 CHA: 100% ATTACK #1 Hits: 2 Type: Melee Element: Earth Damage: 13.33-40, plus 247.55% Stats each BTH: +33 plus Stats each Rate: 90% ATTACK #2 Hits: 7 Type: Melee Element: Earth Damage: 9.1-27.32, plus 169% Stats each BTH: +28 plus Stats each Rate: 10% DESCRIPTION Twily will use his muscles to fight bad guys! Basic CHA 0; Recommended CHA 0 [image][/image] Numbers from In Media Res, description thanks to Xrai. Correction thanks to Xrai. Rarity thanks to big E.