Peachii -> RE: Sepulchure 20K (4/6/2011 0:14:56)
Doomblade Equip Slot: Front Arm Damage Ranges: 45-57 Damage Type: Laser Hits: 1 Energy: 30 Cooldown: 1 Bonuses: None Special Effects: (Changes appearance/effect with each use) Chance for "Bonus Damage!", Deals 150% damage. Chance to inflict Fuel Leak status, enemy takes DoT from Piercing Strike for 3 turns. High Critical Chance Chance for "Vampiric Strike - Drains Enemy HP!", Drains HP equal to the 50% of the damage dealt. Combos: None Description: A blade that can change form and is charged with an ancient evil. Images: Special 1, Special 2, Special 3, Special 4, Doomblade in action Bone Fist Equip Slot: Back Arm Damage Ranges: 45-57 Damage Type: None Hits: 1 Energy: 30 Cooldown: 3 Bonuses: None Special Effects: Chance for "Overcome by feelings of doooooooom! Demoralized!", -30 Bonus and -30 Boost for 2 turns. Combos: None Description: Summon a skeletal hand that is composed of pure energy. Image: Bone Fist Thanks to Sparda_Stonerule for images, Twilight Sky 023 for original entry.