(DF) The Journal of Kirsen Zasin (Full Version)

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#Garete# -> (DF) The Journal of Kirsen Zasin (4/6/2011 9:08:53)

Starting Plot

Jennifer Brim is an aspiring Archaeologist living in California,America.The story revolves about her finding a weird journal & exploring a whole new world.The timeline of the story is set after the Reset of MQ into DF,and between current Terra and DF Lore.

Chapter I : A New Beginning

"I will be late for the plane"said Jennifer as she hurriedly packed her bags to go to the airport.She took a taxi and went to her destination.On reaching the airport she was greeted by her colleague John,"You came very late,hurry up mate"said he as they boarded the plane.This journey to Zaire is going to be great thought Jennifer.Few hours later.Jennifer comes out of the plane with her crew.They decide to explore the nearby forest to find for any sort of ancient artifact or whatever. =3

"Umm.. Let's see "said Jennifer as she set out to the forest on her own , without knowledge of the others.She walks...walks..and walks till it is around night.She decides to go back but lost her way.So, she kind of makes a makeshift tent,and retires for the night.A few hours later...

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