RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (Full Version)

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zelemania -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 4:14:50)


Famed all on the list [:)]

Digital X -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 4:14:58)

I've famed the Under 100 List for now, Chaos Ace now has 100 fame. I'll do the other lists in a bit.

@below, yes and a new topic will be made :)

xxmirxx -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 4:38:34)

I was wondering when this hits 30 pages will this be locked.

Thylek Shran -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (5/14/2011 6:43:23)

Daily fame done.

chaos ace has now more than 100 fame.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 8:19:07)

famed under 100

Chaos Ace is 101

kingmark345 -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 11:42:07)

Electrik Dynomyte

Kain Sariel -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (5/14/2011 13:49:28)

Famed everyone [:D]

wishing there was a way to see that we "famed" so that we dont need to also post each time XD

Chosen 0ne -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 13:54:06)

DeathGuard -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 14:07:12)

Done with daily fame thread about to be locked and new one will be started again ^^.

beastmo -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 14:10:58)

done :o

Mr. Black OP -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 14:12:14)

famed under 100

Ashari -> RE: =ED= Fame for Fame! EpicDuel Fame Exchange (updated) (5/14/2011 19:02:49)

Almost 30 page lock. I'll have a new thread up in a moment.

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