Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: (DF/HS) Library of Shadows (9/23/2012 15:51:11)
Didn't you already have an evil character? Something about being the mistress of Sepulchure and the Shadowscythe or was that someone else? As for your stories, could you add a short description to each one? Their titles are far too similair for me to differentiate them. quote:
"Your mad! Insane!" You're/You are quote:
Running in futile you know is quote:
Your still not dead? You're/You are quote:
I wish I know the minutes like I did a month or so ago, but she did leave my around noon, so I will assume that. knew, me quote:
I walked put into the chill night air. This sounds very strange, what are you trying to say here? Should put even be there? quote:
and all the pompitous ijiots flocked there like flies to sugar. idiots quote:
My white skin once move stretches into a smile. Yes, the biggest mistake Debrah ever did was turn me into a linch... or whatever an undead with no master and human skin is called. I cannot be killed, but I must eat to regenerate my flesh. I don't need sleep, unless my energy for the day is depleted. But spells can get rid of these limiters. And I have time... oh so much time. I just need to be patient. Train, plan, don't be hasty. One can only kill so many single-handily before their caught, I will need to get them to turn on each other. Maybe a brain-washed mayor will do... or better yet, the King. But that is too ambitious a start. For now, Mayor Rayf will do. He's an idiot, a mind control spell will be cake. And I don't even need active control over him... just set up for when I'm strong enough. And of course, FalconReach is so big and invaded so often a few missing people will hardly cause a stir. The Guardians will be a pain, but I may just be able to use them. moved, made, turning, lich (or was that error intentional?), limiters is mainly used in electronics are you sure you don't mean "limitations"?, single-handedly, they are/they're, a piece of cake quote:
I Vow to slay every breathing or thinking thing in this land, or die trying. vow With that, I must ask of you. How do you pick up Ginkage's updates so fast? I already have 2 more chapters out and I haven't seen you yet.