Best update in a long, long time. (Full Version)

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Aere -> Best update in a long, long time. (4/8/2011 23:29:23)

Incase you all have not realized; This is the best update to ever happen to the game. Ever. Well, not ever, but this counteracts so many misdeeds done by the devs.

First of all, Removal of Focus from damage. This alone was a HUGE step forward. This gave the equivalent of +20 strength at +5 Focus, giving you a minimum of 65 strength to your attacks. Oh, and that 5 damage was unchangeable, meaning your minimum hit would be 8, not 3.
This allowed Heal Looping builds to thrive, as they maintained a 60~ Strength Damage output, with Deadly Aim added on. But, now that Heal Looping is virtually gone, this affect is better seen on the Focus Tank mercs, or support mercs, who used their gun as a nice bonus damage while their robot or aux was recharging.

Now onto the Stat Reductions.

While some may think this was not necessary, or even something to be praised, I assure you it is. Have you red PD's post on stat inflation? How those +8 stat boosters, on Str or Support, would give exactly 2 levels? Well, now it won't, because nobody really carries stats under 50 anyway. But, now a player will need to put that extra point into a stat to make it increase. I'm very sure skills are unaffected by this, so this is also making your skills stronger; You are investing more points.

With the Tech changes, Focus Mercs will have less all-around-bulk (HP and defence, not resistance), as they will increase their tech to maintain their very strong bot assault. This allows you to hit those lower defences with untouched skills, or even attacks. You might not have that Focus boost, but they won't have that defence.

Mercs are STILL very powerful; This change lessens their damage intake, so they can survive with lower health and higher defences. Watch out for that robot; It has much gotten stronger now...

PLUS: New EggZookas are great, to be honest. Just enhanced Bunnies.

I don't even have Bunnies, but these zooka's should be given to those who do, for free.

EDIT: This makes Heal Looping MORE gone, actually. Now they have -20 strength to their Primary and Gun, and have less defences because of reductions/Agility.

Post merge. Please don't double post. Either wait till someone else post after yours, or edit your first post. ~Mecha

PD -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 0:03:56)


Have you red PD's post on stat inflation?

Someone still remembers my post! :3

Although this gives people less stats (And therefore, less advantages)... this wasn't the way I wanted it to be. I just wanted every weapon across the same level and power tier to yield the SAME amount of points, and get rid of Enhancements. Example:

All Non-Varium Primaries at level 27 get +27 Damage, cost 4000 Credits, and have 9 Stat Points. All Varium Level 27 Weapons get +27 Base Damage, cost 4000 Credits, and have 11 Stat Points, ect ect ect...

I also wanted to make it so that the Stat Values would be equalized through Xendran's system. However, it seems both his ideas for Stat Value Equalization and Skill Ratio equalization have both been lost to the sands of time. :|

Oh... and for those who want to know what my Stat Inflation post was... you can see it in my sig below, as I've archived it through Pastebin. There's also a work I made called The Epic Solution to Epicduel Balance, which is an extension to the Stat Inflation Problem. They're both free to read, and open source for the public to see, and view.

Shadow Jester -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 0:17:55)

Heal Loopers are coming back(MAYBE). If they find a good build
Since Agility caused Heal loopers to die(and the +1 to cooldown). Since Their is no more focus damage Mages can have good support ,high health,level 5 heal,2 Defense Matrix,4 malfunction,8 Reroute,Rest to Deadly Aim.
That can be a good skill tree, stats for a heal looper
and put at least 40 Dex. One or Two focus for mages would do good now.5 focus doesn't do as much damage anymore. It is only for robot owners now.
Now you can use a robot and have alot of damage.Since Robots has chances to block. I rather prefer Support/High Health build as a mage. Since you have two unblockables to use and a staff/sword to use. I would keep the Arcade Bot with me at all times. Just in case i need more Buffs. EX: Defense matrix AND use bot.

I can image a build in my mind.

33 Tech
40 Dex
30 Strength
126 Health
Rest to support.

Can't that be a good heal looper build?
Since Mercs got a nerf for their Strength.They can't harm that much anymore.
Most Mercs with Strength builds has 0 focus.
As a former mage i use to kill them

I really like the update. Good Auxs.
Balance Updates
So on
I seen least Fame beggars now.
Since their is something else to do
It would be nice of the devs to create a good fit gun for level 32s-33s. Something that would help Mages
Mages hasn't got buffs in a while.Mages got nerfs during the latest updates
EX: TOday's Update. Can't abuse support anymore

xxmirxx -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 0:35:58)

healing loop will never work if healing cool down is at 4.

BloodRainbow -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 0:59:48)

^im using a heal looping build right now and its working pretty good in 1v1 and 2v2

Shadow Jester -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:01:52)

It might

T.600 -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:04:28)

You don't need 126 health in that build btw zachary. 124 would be better, but otherwise those stats sound good!

Aere -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:13:30)

This really isn't about Heal Looping builds. A Heal Looping build is one that heals 2, maybe 3 more times per battle. You can't REALLY do that. And who cares...

This thread is more of the main topic of this update, Heal Looping has been killed as we know, from Agility.

T.600 -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:16:45)

No, heal looping was killed by the 4 turn field medic cooldown!

Aere -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:17:30)

Whatever, who cares. Same update.

Shadow Jester -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 1:30:48)

I was talking about the update too

BloodRainbow -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 2:02:24)

i can heal 4-5 times including boosters (just recently had a battle that i heald 6 times) the only problem im havin is bots. all of our damage and defences have been nerfed ... all except the bots.

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 2:16:24)

^only way that is remotely possible is against high defense non-variums or weak opponents who get lucky and maybe block your rage or something, because take a look at str mercs/BHs and 5 focus mercs/BHs and how their dishing out 40 dmg each turn, and the highest a heal can go (and still keep its effeciency is a 60-65 hp heal) which can not even undo 2 turns of dmg, yes there ARE shields but when you shield and heal at the same time then you will run out of mp before the opponent runs out of hp

This update wasn't good at all, Dax's diminishing affect sounded dandy in my head but this is devolving, gamma's the era of high hits and robos NOT robos combined with the weak hits/def from beta PLUS agility to crush it all

DillBagel -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 3:58:31)

It IS a really good update. Once I have those new zookas, I'll love everything about it.[:D]

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 4:20:06)

I dont see any difference about balance , Mercs still Oped :S

And Eggzookas Great :D

Lectrix -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 5:29:32)

I'm starting to think Bounty Hunters were actually buffed with this Update... Mercs were obviously nerfed (thought I have a bad feeling that they'll bounce back soon).

And is it just me, or are Tech Mages even weaker now? [8|]

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 7:46:13)

^ Agree

igot only -1 dmg -2 def -1 res the rest is same , it didnt effected me :D and Mercs become slower :D

tigura -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:24:01)

The 4 turn cooldown pretty much destroyed the heal loop...

Other than the fact that 5 focus bot builds absolutely destroy... I really liked this update :D

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:32:28)

Are you all insane you do realize the non varium non focus builds will fail right? They cant do focus or a stat abuse build! Because they(WE) dont have enough stats to get around the stat reduction and we cant use focus builds anymore without a bot(Unless you get lucky in arcade PFFT like thats gonna happen) so where all toast. Only ones who can get around this is lvl 30+ varium beast who abused a stat over 90-100 or more. Any non varium mid lvls like lvl 27 or 28 who get paired with a lvl 32 or 33 varium beast is toast. So GOOD JOB EPIC DUEL!

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:34:39)

^you do bring up a great point, 5 focus non-var mercs actually had a semi-fair chance against var players due to 5 focus builds

also I think TMs have been buffed (or am I wrong, can't determine ATM because I'm not a mage) but they generally don't stat abuse nor do they rely heavily on 5 focus

tigura -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:55:13)

@above- mages can abuse supp, but thats about it. The mages have received a small buff because, as you said, mages tend to not have as much stat spamming as other classes. Its not really a buff, its just that mage builds were nerfed a bit less than other builds. Of course, the 5 focus BH is still the most powerful build in game, because of SA and the fact that bot damage wasnt nerfed at all.

TurkishIncubus -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:56:43)

@eragonshadeslayer67 thats because they are OPED non var 5 focus mercs had a chance to win but Varium 5 focus mercs was OPED now its more balanced , the varium ones still win me :S without +5 dmg if there will be +5 more i cant win them never :D

The Almighty -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 12:57:51)

Tech mages were still nerfed, the loss of focus damage kinda hurts. To me focus was a decent equalizer in the damage disparation seen by techs vs bh and mercs. It didnt make that huge a difference though, my techmage just deals 5 less damage on all attacks, my defenses and attack power otherwise remains about the same.

Mecha Mario -> RE: Best update in a long, long time. (4/9/2011 15:25:25)

Sorry, have to lock this thread. Discussion of the latest update can be done =ED= EpicDuel Gamma Evolution 1.1.4d instead.

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