Original Writing (Full Version)

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Dragonlord John! -> Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:05:03)

Last time I was on these forums, there was a place to post original writing, mods would give suggestions on how to improve it, once it was good enough, you got approved and you got a special title (which gave you access to an avatar as well), there was also another forum (I think) where you could post.

Well, that was one of the places which first helped me push through with original writing, and I would like to return there and see what its like now (and maybe if I can find some of my old work...) but I can't seem to find it, maybe it has been moved, but could someone point me in the right direction?

Much thanks!

Womba -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:13:32)

Legends and Lore

That must be what you're looking for, it can be found around the bottem of the forums if you click on ALL FORUMS. There are many sections of it where you can write your own fanfiction, poetry, and et-cetera.

Dragonlord John! -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:20:57)

Thanks. I can't find the Avatar (a pen with ink coming out of the tip onto paper) anyway so I am wondering if they got rid of it (which would be a shame...)

Womba -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:33:19)

Some months ago, the forum suffered a horrible CRASH. All the data was messed up but, things have more or less come back to normal. Seahawk said it will be a long time but he should have all the old avatars plus new ones up eventually to.

Dragonlord John! -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:37:47)

Really? Thats terrible. What caused it?

Womba -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:39:37)

Don't know... But nobody could get onto the forums for awhile... But everything started going back to normal real quickly thanks to the great developers and moderators who keep the forums in check.

Dragonlord John! -> RE: Original Writing (4/9/2011 18:46:38)

Thanks for helping me catch up. I wish these forums luck in regaining everything they where.

Poster satisfied, thread locked! -Kain

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