gimp (Full Version)

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SNAKE THE RED -> gimp (4/10/2011 20:42:19)

i am been using ms paint for a while and have gotton very good at it however its... paint.
i wanted to move on to something more advanced but i don't know where to start can some one show me where to start or explain it for me

coolboypai -> RE: gimp (4/10/2011 20:52:08)

well as your title says, GIMP is a good step forward. (or photoshop, but that costs money)
it may be a big step, and will take time getting use to, but its much better and much more worth it
you can start by getting it here
you'll want to ask here next time for any other questions

SNAKE THE RED -> RE: gimp (4/10/2011 20:54:37)

i thought about flash or photoshop but i would prefer avoiding spending money, flash cost money right? any ways i am playing around with my new gimp, its alot more advanced then paint but i like it...
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