RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (Full Version)

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IsaiahtheMage -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 19:35:29)

I agree here is the list:

Mercenary = Overpowered Class They can use the OPed STR builds and SUP builds. They can also use the less OPed 5 Focus Tank build but can still pwn with high tech and high lvl bunker buster or surgical strike. Overall the Oped class.

Bounty Hunter = Balanced Class They can use the Oped High STR/DEX builds and pwn with their masscre and smoke. They can also use their balanced build the 5 focus balanced build that usally uses EMP. They can also use their UPed multi build that uses high dex but lacks in most other skills and can be easily stoped with high dex to compete with theirs and high resistence(A.K.A Tank Merc).

Tech Mage = Underpowered Class They can use their balanced High SUP build. They can also use thier UPed Caster Builds which dont work at all not to mention this class needs just about their main class weapon to use half of their skills and has only one physical weak varium staff. Also their famous Heal Looping builds have been destroyed making them no longer OPed but balanced or drastically UPed.

This is not really a post about builds or battle index strategy its just saying what is OPed and what is not and says how Mages are at a disadvantage and how their skill tree is not good.

wario the great -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 19:59:20)


we are not underpowered because of this update we are now balanced but I support anything that goes for mages


The Joker X -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:00:26)

Agreed, my main concern though is physical staves. I recently fought NW is person a few updates ago and brought up this topic. Well lets just say he didnt answer me even though he was listening. An answer wouldve been nice though. So yea...physical staves... really itchin to try a battle mage build WITH assimilation. It would probably pwn.

Lectrix -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:08:37)

Funny, I was just thinking about this earlier today. DEFINITELY supported.

I think it would be best to remove the Staff requirement from Overload and Plasma Bolt, seeing as Mages have a whopping SIX Skills that can't be used without a Staff (that's literally half of the Skill Tree). We could simply get rid of the "slam your Staff on the ground" animation, and replace it with something like a Plasma discharge from a Staff or Sword.

Certain Skills, like Supercharge, Plasma Rain, and possibly Plasma Bolt are in desperate need of a Buff. I think the latter two Skills should be able to ignore a small amount of Resistance, since Supercharge is a Tech Mage's only Resistance ignoring skill (I find this unfair, because Mercs and Bounty Hunters have multiple, useful Skills that ignore Defense/Resistance). Supercharge should be able to do something that would actually make it worth 32+ Energy, like drain Energy (after all, Mercs can destroy half or our Rage Meters with Surgical Strike).

There are so many problems with Tech Mages at the moment. I find it surprising that there are still Tech Mages with good Builds; THOSE are the Players who are truly worthy of being called Tech Mages and Epic Duelists.

Firewallblast -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:40:56)

I actually have an idea for animating plasma bolt and overload. For overload the easies raise ur sword up in the air two times and lightning comes down. (not my idea). For plasma bolt u know how u drob ur wep or throw it when u gun but this time u drop ur weps (don't think throwing it will look good) and like putout ur hands and plasma bolt comes out.

eragonshadeslayer67 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:53:30)

Overload's great, but mages do need a few damage skills, but if you think about it, BHs' stun grenade/multi isn't too great either, it's only mercs who are bestowed with 2 very useful damage skills: multi+bunker buster

Also, I would be unexplanably excited if mages got a physical staff :)

PumKing -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:58:09)

No one mentions bh, because they have the inbedded skill of bloodlust, which, no matter what kind of damage they do, multi, robot, wristblade or sword, they gain health back

and another thing is that the bh's multi is considerably cheeper, the biggest problem mages face is that basically all of their skills REQUIRE them to utilize a high reroute if they want to pull off multiple mp attacks (and still be battle ready next turn)

xXx83xXx -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/12/2011 22:58:36)

Imagine this as Overload's animation:

You throw your weapon up in the air but it stops and floats in the air. It's tilted so that the top is pointed south-east at your enemy. Then,
and shoots down back into your hands.
Epic, right?

voidance -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 0:34:36)

Not really lol...

edwardvulture -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 0:45:28)

Really, mage class don't need a buff but more of a nerf because HL is back. High HP works for this update but just for mages because you get a massive amout of energy back. Hp is now worth more due to the stat diminishment. So if anything, I think mages are Oped right now(again)

Snaipera -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 1:21:33)

This is not a thread about Underpowered or Overpowered class . This is a thread about the Mage skill tree . If you have nothing to say about it , don't post here , don't want this to get locked [:)]

BlueKatz -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 1:28:28)


First , switch the places of Assimilation and Deadly aim in the skill-tree . This would make sword-using Mages less "crippled" in terms of skill points .

I really like this idea even I use Assimilation mainly

I think all right side skills should be buffed, i rarely (ok.. maybe even never) lose to any mage use those skill (maybe beside lv1 stun?) and SC is a totally joke, honestly a Support Mage hit me with his aux can do 34 damage, what the point of using SC which deal 20 damage?

That part of Mage should be buffed

DarkNight1223 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 5:20:09)

The caster spells besides overload are just a waste of space. Assilation isn't as strong as I though, it was a huge disappointment -,-

Luna_moonraider -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 5:52:10)

^ lolz it is assimilation not Assilation.

Not true plasma bolt is strong and casters at low lvls are hard to beat.

DarkNight1223 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 5:59:15)

^^ I'm only a grade 8, deal with it, I suck at spelling XD. Plasma is useless without insane amount of tech and technacian. If a Merc comes with a hybrid on energy, the mage would be in the hospital.

Casters at low levels? Casters at lower lvls don't know how reroute works, therefore, a smart intelligent fairy bounty hunter would come with a EMP to knock out the mage.

31 - 33, all of Mercs and Bounties skills are helpful (except bounties multi) How often do you see a player with a MAX plasma bolt and rain build. Exactly.

BlueKatz -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 5:59:25)

I disagree, you only need some experience at low level and you can beat caster easily

casters are way too predictable

DarkNight1223 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 6:05:29)

@Above Casters are usually unexperienced, it does require SOME experience in the game to take out one. Most people think when they have MAX hybrid at low levels make you smart...WRONG.

Not all players understand the game. Casters usually win off by luck, the only way for an unexperienced MAX hybrid merc to take out one is switch hybrid. My summery is Casters rely on class skills and energy, taking down there energy would make them a homeless guy. Low lvls these days would need to "think" before they meet any kind of build.

Cookielord12 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 6:12:15)

caster mages are way to predictable. that is why i changed to str mage. there arent too many of those and i can get decent wins. i can easily hit 50s no crit with gun and when i variumise im gonna be pretty hard to beat. so mages arent too underpowered. its finding the right build and harnessing it. i used to think mages were UP. not so much now

goldslayer1 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 6:13:08)

the new release sorta made them better than before.

BlueKatz -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 6:21:40)

I agree max Hybrid users aren't smart, most of them end up being countered by other classes and have slow farming...

Continue with Caster topic

A Mer with average Hybrid can be safe from Mage, no problem, at low level there wasn't much physical gun for Mage, also no caster use Physical stave (wait... we have 1 physical staff)

And BH can use Tech for Smoke and BloodLush. Low level weapon match nearly perfectly for such build

DarkNight1223 -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 6:26:14)

Most people are "forced" into casters, because with such low stats, its hard to create one, thats why you'll realize some casters work beyond than the others. Bounties hardly smoke now cause 90%, you'll counter a Merc with a copycatted hybrid.

As far as I know, no such skill is BloodLush XD (I know you meant BloodLust ;))

Firewallblast -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 17:02:21)

My alt mage is a lvl 20 and he uses a malf 5 reroute 5, plasma 5, bludgeon 2, and technician 2

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 17:44:59)

@Edvard Honestly they need a nerf? No I dont think HL back because of stats costing this affects them to. Nerfing Mages anymore will make them become extinct.

Nebula -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 17:48:20)

@Edwardvulture The only way staff can further nerf the mage is class is to get rid of it alltogether.

Light Stridr -> RE: The Mage Skill-Tree (4/13/2011 18:24:07)

@Nebula, actually, they could make the skills require ridiculous energy or stat points just to emphasize the fact they hate mages.
Be thankful they haven't done worse yet.

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