Need better Teammates (Full Version)

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The Cialis -> Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 22:33:25)

Ever since i reached level 33 i always get teammate that are 3-5 levels lower than me and are non varium. This wouldnt be bad but it happens to me everytime (ex. Me and 28 vs 2 32's) Not looking to argue with anyone just im so mad haha.... my 2v2 record ratio was a 2.5 now its a 1.9 :( so i guess everyone troll away >.>

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 22:38:25)

Well get used to it, the Devs aren't going to fix 2 vs 2 anytime soon. It's been 2 years now and they still haven't implemented a "Pick your partner" system. For your sake you should just play 1 vs 1 from now on until more people level up to 33.

Epic Pwnser -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 22:40:55)

Broken system with 5 level range means that lvl 33 can get a lvl 23 partner ftw.

Deal with it and see if you can kill 2 people at once. Takes skill yah know.

Larcell -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 22:44:35)

Yes, lvl 33 is still pretty new. So you won't get much fair battles. Wait a few months then the majority of lvl 31s and 32s should be 33.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 22:48:55)

Let's see how many people actually post in this section. The majority of the players want this problem fixed, we want to start having fun in 2 vs 2.

The Joker X -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 23:03:41)

Doubt the devs even care. Not really that high up on their "to do list".

kittycat -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 23:09:25)

It is actually on who clicks the battle button. So, They couldn't really do anything because it all comes to the button. If you choose partners to battle, some may have other partners, which can be frustrating. I know how you feel, but it all comes to the button. Whoever presses the button is the teammate you might have.

The Cialis -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 23:15:21)

thanks for hate-free feedback :D

B9000 -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 23:25:26)

This was also a major problem when the cap was raised to 31 and 32. I remember a lot of 31 + 26 vs 30 + 30 matches. At least now lower level allies might have pretty good stuff. If you get too frustrated with the allies you are getting, the only thing to do is wait until there are a bunch more 33s so that the teams will become somewhat more balanced. In the past it took at least 2-3weeks +.

xxmirxx -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/14/2011 23:36:15)

If fight fighting any players that are 5 levels below you then thats good thing. opps I ment on team cause most of times you would fight people that are 7 to 8 levels below you.

charwelly -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/15/2011 1:59:28)

Just wait and the all ppl wil be like 30-33

PumKing -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/15/2011 9:07:34)

i think the best way to fix the problem is to make the lvl of distance no greater than 3 lvl from the guy with the highest level in the match, would definitely slow things down, but at least each match would be more fair

Hun Kingq -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/15/2011 9:41:34)

I am the king of getting low level partners I average between 24 to 27 level only one time I got a level 8 (I could not believe it and the oponents felt pitty which that did not happen again, one time fluke), once in a while a 30, 31, or 32 and sometimes a 32 is easily destroyed.

jegaggin -> RE: Need better Teammates (4/15/2011 11:39:19)

i got a lvl 27 TM non vars with me a 33 against 2 32s vars. I actually almost won :(.

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