PumKing -> RE: =ED= DNS April 15 2011 Update Disscussion (4/15/2011 16:49:09)
I'm a little disappointed with this latest update, mercs became very balanced from the last one, and while many of you out there agree that hybrid armor needed a debuff you also have to take into account 2 very important things 1. Merc have now dex or tech reducing skills, now why is this important, we have intimidate which lower stranth, well thats cool if ur facing a str merc or bh, but in 2v2, and magority of 1v1 now, that's simply not the case, and never was, if a tech mage gets, oh lets hit an extreme and say -50 str from intim, well whoop-de-doo, right side of skill tree is only effected by dex and tech, as well as left side, so just gamma bit, then plasma or overload, and bh, just poison the merc who has offended you, or multi, or hand grenade, or ulti, or gamma bot as well 2. in my oppinion the most important, this hits non var mercs a bit too hard, they don't have the var to buy an assault bot to debuff themselves (don't give me that "you can win it in arcade" balogna, it's nigh impossible, and while for a good reason, is still nigh impossible) so now they have to deal with a lower hybrid and can't debuff, this is more than unfair for them, because if you start taking away at hybrid now, there's no telling where the dev's will stop