Is it just me... (Full Version)

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Fenraith -> Is it just me... (4/16/2011 19:32:04)

...or does Tronzor dodge way too often? Stat training on AQ is easy as the Trainers don't dodge often and they are scaled to your level. It seems that Tronzor has high critical hits and enjoys making you miss your hits.

Naj -> RE: Is it just me... (4/18/2011 11:36:57)

I noticed when I was at lower levels he did a lot better and stat training was a real task,,, don't seem to have that problem anymore. (Also only really have to use him twice a month anymore....)

arcangelgabrel -> RE: Is it just me... (4/18/2011 23:49:28)

I noticed that at the very lower levels as well, in fact, its almost impossible to beat him at the lowest levels because of the poor bth you're given and the fact he blocks so often and hits quite as hard as he does. They do need to fix him at lower levels so its a fair match and you can train without having to go up to level fifteen first >_>.

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