Shift/move feature (Full Version)

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Arthur -> Shift/move feature (4/17/2011 10:41:05)

Well it should be a feature only available for AKs, they should have the ability to shift/move posts in a thread, to be more precise, the 'guides' thread because it takes a lot of effort on both the member's side and the AKs side to delete all the posts and redo everything.

So to avoid any unnecessary efforts, I guess there should be something like this.

coolboypai -> RE: Shift/move feature (4/17/2011 11:52:23)

AKs do have that ability
its just not widely used

The Forgotten -> RE: Shift/move feature (4/17/2011 13:04:52)

Actually, they don't. AKs can move and merge threads, but not individual posts.

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