Epic Pwnser -> RE: Who was your mentor/tutor when you began the game? (4/18/2011 15:46:26)
Well. I first started out as a merc and got founder armor, then the beat weapons from buying the packages. From lvl 1-lvl 29, it was a blur, I pwned everyone with high strength. I first used the piece of wood that mercs can buy as a club. Max Field commander, double strike, intimidate, bezerker FTW.. At lvl 30, I used the beta weapons as soon as they came out and made a high support build that pwned lvl 31's. At that point, my mentor was copying other people's builds and looking at the old epicduel forums for builds. I saw barneypwnsu support build FTW and wiseman108. Plus Daphne (Dax). Lightmare too o.O I class changed and used a support build with overlord gun with deadly aim. Basically my mentoring was my deductive reasoning as I saw str increased with 4, dex by 3, tech by 2's and 3's and sup same as str. I would love to give the most credit to BARNEYPWNSU. He really made me learn how to play epicduel.