Debate Club (Full Version)

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Wraith -> Debate Club (4/17/2011 21:26:43)

How do you join debate club?

The Forgotten -> RE: Debate Club (4/17/2011 21:35:26)

DC Application Thread. Be sure to read the rules. Good luck! :)

Wraith -> RE: Debate Club (4/17/2011 21:36:13)

Thank you so much!

Stray Cat -> RE: Debate Club (4/17/2011 21:37:51)

Head over to the OOC Room and apply in the Debate Club Application Thread. Basically, you'll be asked to say a bit about yourself and then write an essay on a controversial topic, and then your application will either be approved or denied. Be sure to read the first post, since it has instructions on the correct procedure for joining.

EDIT: Slow Stray...

Wraith -> RE: Debate Club (4/17/2011 21:43:48)

Lock requested. Thanks to both of you.

Locked as requested! -Kain

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