Revealing your age (Full Version)

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sacchi -> Revealing your age (4/18/2011 13:53:51)

I've got a question regarding this topic. I've seen many posts edited (including some of my own) when a reference to your own age is made. Now, I can understand that this is due to the following: "Do not release your age, location, or any contact information on the forums."

However, what I don't get is why such a rule exists when your age is clearly available to everyone who just clicks on your profile, should you have no problem hiding it. For example, I can't say my age in a post, but anybody who clicks my profile can see in what year I was born. I have no problem giving out this piece of information and that's why I haven't hid it. I just find it a bit contradictory that I can say when I was born in my profile, and not be able to say the exact same thing in my posts. I'd like to know why this is like this, if there's any explanation.

Thanks in advance.

Dragonnightwolf -> RE: Revealing your age (4/18/2011 15:46:17)

This is just my opinion,

There could be any number of reasons why this is the way it is. For example, an archknight could be trying to protect the community members, There could be legal reasons, there could be a possibility that age in a profile wasn't realized etc.

Usually though, in my humble opinion, the frame of mind is protecting the community.

Stray Cat -> RE: Revealing your age (4/18/2011 19:35:35)

The following is paraphrased from what Eukara has said in a conversation, but the forums themselves are far more public than users' profiles. You can read through every post in a thread, but chances are that you won't check every profile along the way. And profiles can be made to display anything put into a field, regardless of its accuracy. People understand that and will often wave off an age as false. But posting your age in a public area means that you are calling attention to your personal life, either through telling the truth and putting yourself at risk, or lying, in which case removal means that nothing of value is lost. Whichever way, you shouldn't be doing it.

Hope I didn't phrase it too poorly.

sacchi -> RE: Revealing your age (4/18/2011 20:00:09)

Thanks for your posts ^_^. Stray's was particularly helpful.

Though I still don't get how posting your age can be that risky, I understand more what logic is behind the rule. You can lock this if that's what happens to thread in this board when questions are answered :P

Lock - El

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