Signature Problems - Help ? (Full Version)

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Anawizzeh -> Signature Problems - Help ? (4/19/2011 6:23:23)

For those who are reading this, I am figuring out how to add a picture to my signature. As you can see it pretty much fails .¤t=aqw-4.jpg is the pic.

Serpeants -> RE: Signature Problems - Help ? (4/19/2011 6:30:05)

Your code must be
And your picture must be uploaded into link before you can make a signature. You may want to test your signature here.

Postmaster General -> RE: Signature Problems - Help ? (4/19/2011 11:03:53)

The URL you are using does not match up with an image. When you view your picture in Photobucket, use the URl given for the "Direct Link". It will be in a box near the right-hand side of your screen.

As for your sig, this code doesn't work:


That will give you:


But this:


Will give you this:


And this:


Will give you this:


You can test your sig's in the Signature and Avatar Testing thread to make sure the code works as well as to ensure that your sig meets specifications which you can find in the Universal Forum Rules

A useful guide:

Anawizzeh -> RE: Signature Problems - Help ? (4/20/2011 1:29:39)

Thanks Sheriff! You rlly helped :DDD

Poster helped! Locked ~Eukara Vox

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