RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (Full Version)

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helloguy -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 10:11:05)

FINALLY someone made a guide to piss people off all day.A guide is the last thing needed, why in the world would you make a guide that incourages people to not only spam but bother people the whole day.

Basicball -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 10:22:21)

^that's an easy guide ...

1)Don't play

The end

Calogero -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 10:25:30)

there are to many steps in this Guide...

It should be

Step 1: Go to Oz world 7 and Beg like you've never begged in your entire life
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 each day

helloguy -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 10:43:04)

@Basicball It would be allot easier if they remove that stupid feature. Not only will it make everyone happy but it'll make epicduel a quite place. Who eve has ever wasted there time in this useless feature should not only be revoked from ever using chat, but maybe even bad because I know for a fact that they've spammed all through out ED.

Practel -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 18:16:49)

Tip #6 - Be an all around good person
People will like you better if you don't flame or troll. And calling someone a noob then say "Fame me ploxzzz" wont happen. If you are a good person, and humble, I can more than guarantee more people will fame you than a person who has fought the staff or tryed to veto the game. I played about 45 battles in an hour, and out of those 45 battles I got around 35+ fame. 5 of the other battles were people not talking, and the other 5 were people refusing to give it.

Be an all around good person!

xxmirxx -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 18:51:38)

yes frostlich I quit cause I am try to get off my addiction off game. I say this hands down your better then me on boss fights.

voidance -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 21:08:36)

You made a guide on how to beg for fame? Must be so hard to stand at Oz world 7 and F4F for 24hrs.

xxmirxx -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/20/2011 23:49:56)

he did it in 10 hours. he explain how he won.

T.600 -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 1:41:54)

he did it in 10 hours. he explain how he won.

King FrostLich -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 4:02:26)


I'mma add that except some parts then. I just love this new feature now [:D].

wario the great -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 4:55:48)

no need for 10 hours if u average 30 fames an hour which isnt tht hard u only need about 6-7 hours to win cuz to win is about 200 which i won 3 times on 200

Practel -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 7:15:41)

I won the daily fame within 3 hours. Its not hard if your a respectful person. It was also after school too.

The Shadow Dragon -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 13:03:02)

They hate because everyone is jealous and think its wrong to beg, i just say congratulations mate [;)]

xxmirxx -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 14:38:16)

No one is here jealous its just not worth getting achieved. its like all day beg for wins there is no skill winning it. Holiday Practel also its not true even tho you are respectful person does mean you win. If you don't remember your on F4F that is only reason why you won. fay has never won F4F she is respectful person.

Practel -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 16:45:47)


I didnt say being respectful would make you actually win, but being a respectful person will make more people want to fame you rather than someone who isn't. That is with everything my friend.

xxmirxx -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 16:50:44)

opps my bad sorry

Lord/Fredd -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 17:16:05)

Frostlich: Nice guide and congratz on getting the achivement! :D

T.600 and xxmirxx: How come you two always say the same lame things on all topics? You both say

he did it in 10 hours. he explain how he won.
... do you know each other or are you, T.600, just the worlds biggest fan of a person who is rude and can't even play a game without getting addicted to it, then quiting, then flamming the forums? Because that is what you do xxmirxx...

Oh and btw, what are you trying to write here:

This why people like fay and comical biker cause there never full of them self, There nice people you ever meet at least on game. allso way easyer way on win it less then 10 hours.

Cause i can't understand any part of it...

xxmirxx -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/21/2011 17:40:20)

above its simple don't read what me and T.600 say if you don't like it.

Lord/Fredd -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/22/2011 13:53:35)

If you read something and don't like it, then "not reading it" would be impossible as you have already done that.

Matgon -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/22/2011 13:58:03)

I will get the achievment in 1 year from now and with 1 vote (my own). xD

Lord GaGa -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/22/2011 14:15:16)

sorry but how dumb do you have to be to make a fourm ont he most pathetic feature ever?

Gold -> RE: FrostLich's Guide to Get Fame/Rising Star Achievement!! (4/22/2011 14:22:04)

He didn't make a forum, he made a thread. The type of thread? A guide. ;)

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