RE: Special Room? (Full Version)

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Lord GaGa -> RE: Special Room? (4/22/2011 13:09:06)

I think there should be one that only Beta tester or over can get into.

Basicball -> RE: Special Room? (4/22/2011 13:12:08)

you mean beta tester or earlier?
that'll never happen, gammas would be very angry, and if you make a new acc, you wouldn't be able to get in either

also, i think founders and elites deserve a room more, but i don't want that to come either

Vick Vega -> RE: Special Room? (4/22/2011 14:12:43)

Can someone run up to the pool and bring back the left handed coffee pot?

beastmo -> RE: Special Room? (4/22/2011 14:18:12)

I would like this if there was certain lvl rooms example: lvl 1-10 rooms 11-20 rooms 21-33 rooms.

Basicball -> RE: Special Room? (4/22/2011 14:21:41)

beastmo: lawman ...

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