Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (Full Version)

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voidance -> Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 20:58:17)

Well Buffy made a good topic on how the Dev's seem to be "milking the funders dry" by Nerfing stats then announcing the release of my title., but at a "surprise"(thats sarcasim because if its got Buffy+negative feedback=LOCKED lol) it got locked because

Grun Teufel

ED Bot

If you feel the game has a poor marketing strategy, then suggest one you feel is an improvement. From your logic, the devs need money. That would mean game is clearly not bringing in enough money, not that they are keeping all the money earned to line their pockets. That or it's an earnest attempt at making the players happy. Either way, if you have something other than just slandering the devs, something constructive that is, then please, discuss and bring forth your ideas.

This topic, however, is locked.
. So without hurting the Dev's drones feelings lets find a way to give them some "constructive criticism" on how to release this update without power driving it into the ground like the last few.

Light Stridr -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 21:21:52)

This release makes no sense.
First they nerf us, then they add enhancements to get us back to where we were.
What I cant figure out is how this would actually change the effects of nerfing stat abuse, rather, it is a step back to where we were.
Last week was the closest point to actual balance as we could get, and I seriously doubt if I am ever going to come back.
My solution would be to not release enhancements at all, or at least make them VERY cheap for everyone.

edwardvulture -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 21:25:25)

Epicduel needs more players

T.600 -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 21:31:46)

^ We need the AQW team to do one update...

voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 22:21:18)

This is kinda offtopic but very true, and if a Ak was to lock this and call it bashing, all i got to say is "who are you trying to fool?".

Idk if you have noticed but the last 4 Promo's have been about money. Frostbane(you either buy it with 50$ pack or pay 1500 varuim, then another 1700 varuim to max it), Azrael's Bane(you either buy it with 50$ pack or pay 1500 varuim, then another 1700 varuim to max it), Celtic Cleaver(you either buy it with 50$ pack or pay 1500 varuim, then another 1700 varuim to max it), And EggZooka's(you either buy it with the 50$ pack or pay 2200 each which equals 4400 varuim). I bet the next Promo will be Dual sidearms with 10 enhancments and ungodly stats, just to lure us in. The fact that im trying to get across is that with the idea of the swords they made sure to improve it slightly each time to keep us hooked, and as for the EggZooka's well they give more damage/stats then Bunny's and anyone that doesnt have Bunny's would be stupid not to get.

Back on topic

I noticed it said they were gonna release a armor lvl range, are you kidding me?, whats the point in leveling up anymore if you can get everything at those pathetic nub lvls. Oh and it pisses me off to see a 28 with +95 stats just because of a stupid level range. A damage reduction isnt enough, you need to make it where they cant enhance it or atleast reduce its stats untill they hit a proper level.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 23:04:36)

i feel side arm and aux enhancements should not be introduced to the game yet. as we are in the low lvl range and we do not want stat inflation. do u want to see a support merc with 5 focus and high arty and uber zooka or a str bh with 5 focus(max sa) with uber mass and normal strike. i guess not so i do not support sidearm and aux enhancements because the community is not ready for it yet and it will juts make the varium and non var gap even bigger.

Gold -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 23:09:15)

I agree with Luna.

This just makes Variums even more unbalanced.

voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 23:13:14)

Although I also feel this shouldnt be released and it will make stats easier to abuse again, I disagree with you on the gap. Titan Tweeted that this up coming update they would be dropping the Credit enhancements price by 30-40%, which in the long run will close the gap some seeing as it will be easier for Non-Varuim players to max a Weapons Enhancements.

MistaTechMage -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 23:33:06)

I find it ridiculous that they are making gun and aux enhancements if they do however I hope the Dev's make it something reasonable like maybe 3-5 stats max at least for now

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/21/2011 23:47:31)

droping the creds for enhancements would help but sigh if a player who have already enhanced thier weps with the old credit prices would ahve wasted creds i dun mind but i do hope the reduce the creds enhancements prices.

kingmark345 -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:01:30)

Yeah, I agree with Voidance and Luna --> Adding enhancements to Sidearms and Auxilaries would widen the gap between varium players, and non-varium players and greatly overpower the two types of guns (especially auxes because they're already the strongest weapons in the game).

Imagine a level 29 wielding a level 33 aux (one of the bunny-zookas) and a really good gun too (one that gives excellent stats, but is in the range for the player to use), the player's stats would be outstanding; maybe something like 40 +50, but that doesn't matter because of the new update, but the player can lower his/her original stat point from 40 to 30 (ish), conserving the 10 (ish) stat points as extra for health. The player would be really strong, strong enough to beat many level 31s and above. If the player was a merc, he would have the build of a regular level 32, just with lowered gun/aux/primary weapon attack strength, but that wouludn't make a difference if the players build used only his/her skills (multi, bunker... (e.t.c.)) What would be the point of leveling up anymore now? The player would be just as strong as any high level merc (with his build). Ofcourse, the player might be prone to certain moves like EMP Grenade, Atom Smasher (e.t.c)...

The point is that the player would be incredibly OVERPOWERED, and this would be because his weapons would be OVERPOWERED too. So, if the sidearms and Auxes are going to be able to be enhanced, there should be some set-backs.

Perhaps something like:
Varium Enhancements -> 7
Credit Enhancements ->11 (or maybe not so high, but you get the point)

Celestine -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:02:04)

The best suggestion I could give the Devs is to get rid of Enhancements completely. The system is well built, but the factors around it make it seem heinous. There was no need for Enhancements in the first place, all it did was create new overpowered builds and increase the rift between a Varium and Non-Varium player. Enhancements on primary weapons would have suffice, but on all type of weapons is contemptible. By the end of the week, most competitive players will have beyond 100 stat boosts. This just spells disaster for Non-Varium players and fear of an overpowered build.
I cannot blame the Devs for this though. Even if I did, slandering them would solve nothing. This was most likely not their intentions and I trust them to be aware of the problem this update might cause.


kingmark345 -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:13:32)

I disagree with Celestine, Enhancements help non-varium users too. Technically, +1 extra stat point, can save a life on Epic Duel (especially if the player is a bounty hunter). And even if players get +100 stat boosts, they boost would be meaningless because you can only have so much defence and resistance. If I attack 3 when you have 30-33 resistance, would I attack any lower if you boost yourself to 45-47? The answer is no.

Also, Enhancing weapons provides Epic Duel more money, because of the use of varium.

voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:16:30)

A few suggestions by me for near future updates.
1. Dont release Aux/Sidearm Enhancements
2. Make Enhancements go rare. Meaning make it where in the future no one can purchase Enhancements and if you already have them, well i guess you got a vet player advantage such as Bunny/Founder uses did/does.
3. Either do away with the Level range or reduce it from 4 Levels to 2.
4. STOP making us build the house of card, you knocking it down, and making us building it again. Meaning stop making us pay for power, nerfing it, and then offering us power again.(at a cost of course)

Well thats all i can think of now.

Celestine -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:25:38)

I'm not saying it would not help Non-Varium players, but even with enhancements, they are vulnerable versing a fully equipped and enhanced level 33. Also, you're providing a vague example. Any player has the option to choose which stat they'd like to enhance, not only Defense/Resistance. Support and Strength are options and powerful ones at that.
I understand that the Enhancements are a big profit to the game, but if the Devs goal is to make a fair balanced game, enhancements should be on their list for re-examination.


voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:31:13)

I got another decent suggestion, make a weapons enhancements powers lvl keyed. Meaning if a weapon such a frostbane has 10 enhancements, make it where lvl 26 can only do 2, 27 do 4, 28 do 6, 29, do 8, and 30 do 10. Ik this doesnt solve the overpowerness of a lvl 33 but it will help solve the dev's poor idea of widening a weapons lvl range.

kingmark345 -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:31:15)

1. Don't release Aux/Sidearm Enhancements ---> Strongly disagree (My reasons are in my prior post)

2. Make Enhancements fo rare ---> No way. Strongly disagree. Think of all the new players in Epic Duel. 10 years from now, anyone who inherited a gamma account, or still plays EPic Duel 10 years from now would have a SERIOUS upperhand. Now, imagine if 75% of Epic Duel players still play Epic Duel 10 years from now, the same thing that's happening now would be happening. The samething that happened with Focus (how many people quit when it was introduced because it threw off the balance for ALOT of players...) would also happen.

3. Either do away with the Level range or reduce it from 4 Levels to 2 ---> Agree =]

4. STOP making us build the house of card... --->Disagree. Isn't that what always happens in all games? Only thing is that you don't have to pay for the "power". Anyway, those things are done to make Epic Duel a better game - Making new updates, then making them better by making it more equal for everyone.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:32:51)

Imo. stat enhancements only make 5 focus build with robots even more oped.

voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:40:49)

1. As Celestine said, your

you're providing a vague example

2.First off, ik it wouldnt solve the problem right away but as future updates come you will notice how it helps. Second, the way i see it is if you are still playing 10 years from now, hell yea you deserver somewhat of a "upperhand" and also 10 years from now im sure any weapon without enhancements at that time and lvl will overpower any weapon currently.

3. No need to argue with a agree


Only thing is that you don't have to pay for the "power
If you wanna keep up with the crowd, yes you do.

Making new updates, then making them better by making it more equal for everyone.
Well i think when they first released this they should have gave a option to sellback Enhancements. So it isnt such a loss for the ones that have donated so much money to have that extra "power". I have like 15,000 varuim in Enhancements and I feel like I got screwed because the Dev's wanted to so call "balance the game".

Polandor -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:42:33)

We need a enhancement resale, and varium resale.

We need enhancement resale probably even more than varium since enhancement often cost a lot more than the item.
We need both.

Or at the very list be able to transfer enhancement from one similar item to another at a cost.
****** Transferring a +4 armor bonus on a new armor, let say you lose one level of enhancement on each transfer, so a +4 become a +3.

Transfer happen in the player inventory in a window similar to buying enhancement window.

goldslayer1 -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 0:50:56)

they dropped the credit prices thats nice. now how about dropping the varium prices?
those prices are insane u can buy almost 2 weps with the ammount u need to pay for 10 slots.

Shadronica -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 1:07:16)

Well I would love to see the price for varium enhancements dropped too.

And I would like to be able to transfer AT NO COST the enhancements from at least the gun and aux

Shadow Jester -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 1:12:47)

I argee with voidance and luna...This update will ruin non varium players and me...

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 3:09:11)

Just wanna say 1 more thing. well u guys should know 2v2 is the most unfair battle mode in the whole of ED. just inmagine wat would happen if more stats were given to players. eg 33+28 vs 33+33 wow that is so unfair yeah. all 33 have full enhnacements including guns and aux but the poor 28 does not which team will win my bets are on 33+33 team. the stat gap between the 28 and 33 would be very huge. 2v2 is broken already and the devs want to make 2v2 worse by making more enhancements. that is why i feel ed is not ready yet for more enhancements. enhancements will make 2v2 super unbalance. the devs have to fix 2v2 level gap first before making more enhancements. 2v2 balance is way important rather than ehancements. stop throwing the 2v2 problems under the bus. once 2v2 is fixed 2v1 boss battle can be realeased. Side arm and aux enhancements are not important now i rather the devs concentrate on pressing issues rather than making the issues worse.

voidance -> RE: Aux/Sidearm Enhancements constructive criticism (4/22/2011 4:11:58)

No because of the Dev's garbage update to widen the level spam of weapons, a 28 can have any weapon a 33 has other then EggZooka's. Therefore the stat gap wouldnt be hardly any difference at all, other then the extra 5 levels the 33 has but thats no the point.

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