the new updates, and other stuff. (Full Version)

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goldslayer1 -> the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 3:50:53)

so as u all know the new update bring alot of stuff, stat/skill diminishments, now new aux/gun enhancements
with all thats been happening lately, where they nerfed everything to then release gun/aux enhancements so they can cheat us to buy more varium, and releasing an armor just like space warrior but with an extra defense/resistance point. (energy version sold out in about 15 minutes) which by the way the armor looks horrible, is there a clear number on its shoe size?
and has anyone noticed it also has a tail? disgusting armor, worst than war bot.

so now that we have gun/aux enhancements and stats can go upto 114 stats.
u can spam tech upto +84 in just stat modifiers alone. and dex wow i didn't even feel like counting it but its pretty high aswell.

now everyone and i mean ALOT of people are pissed with this release.
first the game isn't worth the money we pay, secondly alot of things that were promised since beta still aren't here.
(such as 2 vs 1, founder step down, and alot more stuff) the game isn't fully developed and the devs expect us to pay $50 a month to stay strong and competitive? HELL NO, I REFUSE TO SPEND THAT MUCH.
its not worth it anymore. for god sake u cant even make a thread to talk about what the devs did wrong and the promises they didn't keep (basically anything ssays something bad about the game) because they get deleted and call it flaming threads. then they tell u to keep it as "constructive criticism" guess what, whats the point if of making a constructive criticism thread if the devs wont listen?
then u reply to someone else and apparently ur "trolling" these forums treat people as if they were 10 year olds, and ED isn't worth it anymore. im just gonna quit buying varium, if it lasts or not i couldn't give two flipping bananas.

who else is pissed about the release?
because im sure u didn't enhance all of ur guns and all of ur auxiliaries....

T.600 -> RE: the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 4:01:15)

Must I repeat myself? Let the AQW team do an update :S

goldslayer1 -> RE: the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 4:06:01)

what update did the aqw team do exactly?
not sure if i was here for it or not.

T.600 -> RE: the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 4:06:45)

It was a suggestion...

goldslayer1 -> RE: the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 4:07:24)

thought aqw team already did an update on ED.

T.600 -> RE: the new updates, and other stuff. (4/23/2011 4:13:07)

If they had, things would be different,lol.

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