Silent Scream -> What Would You Like To See Next In Game? (4/23/2011 7:02:59)
So yesterday i was amazed at a certain thread that was started which included alot of people flaming towards ED, Staff and just the game in general.. I was going to comment on it, but i soon realised i did not want to be a part of that thread.. which is why i have waited untill now to start this one, i want this thread to be kept civil and any posts that include flaming or any type of hatred towards ED does not belong here and will be ignored by me and hopefully others.. i do agree with some points made against ED but a thread full of flaming is certainly not the way to get help and certainly not the way any decent person should behave towards people who try there best for you to make the game better.. Our points, ideas and wants in the game need to be heard, not deleted.. So.. now that is out of the way, What would you like to see in ED next? or atleast within the next month? For me.. new Battle Modes (Atleast one) is a must.. for far too long it has only been NPC.. which many of us do, but not for the fun of it.. 1v1 and 2v2.. which can get very tiresome seeing as they have been the main battle modes for this game since it started, i would love to see 2v1 Boss battles.. with several Bosses, now you may think SEVERAL? theres no way they can put all those NPCS in game within a month and make it plausible.. and thats right, but im thinking maybe a good way around this is to take a page from AQW's book.. such as Chaos Lords sending armies to destroy us there.. why not have Bealius send some of his minions to destroy us here, which could give us several 2v1 Boss battles with little need for plausibility and little need to make them all look amazing.. just a simple army would do fine and could be improved upon later, it would also be a good way to test 2v1.. secondly, i would love the Addition of sound in ED for far to long has Epic Duel gone unheard, i want to hear the sound of my Aux as the rocket hurls towards my enemy and crits him in the face.. i want to hear the sound of VICTORY as he/she falls before me.. i do not know how hard it is to implement sound to such a game, but i do know that ED needs it.. I agree with titan on some aspects that the game should be fair and balance is needed, but balance has been the focus of to many things lately and im afraid its starting to become tiresome.. The new Central Station looks amazing, i really do love the new look.. but if you can do things like that, why can you not implement Sound and some new Battle Modes? afterall, this is a game.. your right a game should be fair, but far to much is going towards this and very little to actually making the game in general Better.. to sum it up, like i said Central Stations new look is amazing.. but im still there clicking 1v1 like many of us have been since the start and hearing no sound.. What would you like to see next? Or What do you think is much more needed over the current things that are being focused on? All the best - Silent