Involvement?! (Full Version)

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Sageofpeace -> Involvement?! (4/23/2011 9:09:01)

Most of the time a player talks about either mods,dev's or give their criticism About how bad the feature or balance of the game is it get lock. But they do it because they feel that they are right and to evade a catastrophe that they couln't stop. Since they feel so right I will like to request of them to be more active in forum discussion involving balance and other feature as well as seeing them more often in battles specially in 2vs2. I wanted to see green and yellow names when I'm battling in 2vs2 so they actually see what's behind the scene and what actually need to be fix. Because of I see is "sorry this kinda of discussion is not a lot in the forum I'm afraid I have to lock it :)" as well as titan or nightwraith telling incomplete explanations or unsatesfide one. This thread is not to talk about you feel about the dev's is to request of them to be more active since that's the least they could do after the empty update they have give us.

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Involvement?! (4/23/2011 11:32:15)

Sage i see mods in battle every now and then and ik for a fact Dax and Donna have to be active becuase you cant be lazy and be on the All time 1v1 board.

As for the devs Titan or NW said on EDF that they use Alts becuase if they went around as themselfs they would be swamped by fans and beggers

Fay Beeee -> RE: Involvement?! (4/23/2011 11:39:30)

Sage. I think most of those threads are locked because of flamers.

A few, may be, because not appropriate.

It does seem that any good thread gets trolled, spammed or flamed.

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