Pyure -> RE: Elites the forgotten ones, Founders soon to be forgotten (4/24/2011 20:18:48)
Founder armor needs updated I have good reasoning for this, as the newest armor is +9 res, while founder is only +7 res. It is also a good all around armor with only 2 less enhancement slots. In order to get founder to catch up with the new armor at the moment you'll need to put about 4-8 points into tech enhancements leaving you with 2-6 enhancements left. I propose that titan should make a level 33 version of founder, as he promised founder would be the best armor in game. Now its barely standard, if that. This upsets, not just I, but many more founders, such as, barnypwnsu, illuminator, yo gotti, and the list is growing. I believe that if founder isn't updated soon, many founders and beta players will quit the game, because founder was promised to be the best armor in the game, however once agaub as I've said titan broke his promise. Titan if you read this, please consider in making a new version of founder, and possibly betas, me and many other founders would really appreciate it and give us something to stay in game longer for. we might even buy more varium, I mean i've bought over 30 thousand throughout the time i've played. I'm probably going to get more eventually, but lets not get too far off topic. I ask in the words of all founders, titan, please fix this chaos. The Stats Need fixed Now to talk about stats, I believe that this whole mess with trying to create balance with stats was un-needed, I mean it's just making fights harder, and causing people to abuse focus builds with bots, those without bots are basically powerless. I have a bot, and I try my best not to use it, because I find it really overpowered. Now those who get 1 or 2 focus don't really even get any bonuses, it was supposed to make people tilt toward balance, yet when you take the damage bonus away I want to start abusing support or tech or strength. This is all stuff I talked about with my friends and they all believe it too. I am going to make a youtube video showing how hard the game has gotten on monday, if nothing has been fixed by next friday I'm probably gonna quit the game, a sad thing to think about when I've been around the day after alpha ended. Please, take consideration into what I'm saying, this update was supposed to stop stat abusers, primarily strength, yet it just brough many more out. thank you for reading, I hope that all the balance issues get fixed, but not in this manner, it is a shame to see the game falling apart in frontof my eyes. I hope tha all this gets cleared up.