Make up your own AE game! (Full Version)

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dragonblade4132 -> Make up your own AE game! (4/23/2011 17:39:43)

In this forum you can suggest a new game!
You MUST add all these items for it to be accepted.
2.About the game.
3.Classes and names.
4. Add at least 10 weapons, 4 armors, 10 helmets, 4 capes and 1 pet.
5. NPCS.
6. 4 maps.
7. Character actions.
8. Design a action bar.
9. How to play your game.
10. Any other things you would like to add!
11. Make sure to add your signature!

Postmaster General -> RE: Make up your own AE game! (4/23/2011 18:14:37)

Artix took requests for something like this awhile back in the Craziest Release Idea Ever thread. However, there is a problem with creating this forum: Does AE have the resources necessary to make the games that we forumites would submit?

A simple solution to this, would be to simply create your game in the UCaG. There, you and other players can play your game, though it will be less produced than an official game.

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