Summon Hybee VII (Full Version)

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Balu -> Summon Hybee VII (4/25/2011 12:06:08)

Summon Hybee VII

Also see Guardian Summon Hybee I, Summon Hybee II, Summon Hybee III Z, Summon Hybee III, Summon Hybee IV, Summon Hybee V, Guardian Summon Hybee VI

Level: 130
Power Level: 130
MP Level: 130
Price: 202450 2,729,352 Gold
Sellback: 101225 1,364,676 Gold
Location: Bun Rangers!
Element: Light
Cost: None
Effect: Summons Hybee VII as a guest.

This time the sting is on your side!
Stats and numbers, thanks to In Media Res.

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