A serious problem (Full Version)

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SCORPIOZZz -> A serious problem (4/26/2011 10:43:04)

At my country the only thing that a non-credit card carrier can do is use paymo ( pay by cell by sending messages ) in the beginning we used to pay 1.8$ ==>300 battleon points the 50$ pack costed us 61.2$ (by us i mean me and my friends and all who support the game from my country [LEBANON]) then the 300 battleon points were reduced to 280 with the same cost of 1.8$ so the 50$ pack costed us 64.8$ we said ok its only a 3-4$ diffrence we can bear with it and now what the 280 battle points were reduced to 260 W*F :O now the 50$ pack costs 70.2$ [:@] [:@] how the hell are we supposed to continue in this money sucker game???

Mr. Black OP -> RE: A serious problem (4/26/2011 10:46:49)

wow that sux... have u tried AE cards?

SCORPIOZZz -> RE: A serious problem (4/26/2011 10:48:00)

above we don't have em here :S
under and nope no offers only 1 or 2 that can be done once witch i did them and wow :D they gave me 40 battle points each :|

Mr. Black OP -> RE: A serious problem (4/26/2011 10:49:13)

umm free offers? other then that sorry bro not much u can do

yogimoto -> Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 11:45:38)

That Is It! Fame Is So Freaking Annoying,Every time I Enter A Battle Or Goto Oz World 7 All I Hear Is: F4F or Fame 4 Fame Or Fame For Fame,I Rather Be Poor And Not Drink And Eat Forever Rather Than Seeing Fame,So I Want Fame To Be Removed,Your Thoughts Guys?

8x -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 11:50:58)

Don't worry about it, when people ask you F4F just say "sure why not?". (F4F=Fame For Free [:D]) Its always nice to get free fame. And remember, if fame beggers/askers annoy you feel free to annoy them back :D

veneeria -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 11:51:36)

my though is that you seriously should go to a psychiatrist [>:] and that there should be an option to "ignore all", since people can't do it for themselves.

yogimoto -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 11:55:00)

It's Really Annoying And You Can't Ignore In Battle

#13 -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 11:58:27)

In battle, you can politely say to them that you're not interested about it. If they continue begging, say "IM NOT INTERESTED" in caps. Even if they didnt stop, say "I WONT". :p

For the areas like Oz world 7, as you mentioned, you can ignore those crowdy areas. Fame is just fun ^^

yogimoto -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:00:36)

No It's Not Fun And It Will Take Hours To Ignore All People,Why Can't They Just Remove Fame Noone Likes It Anyways.

pinoy idols -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:05:43)

removing fame will only remove so many rating points on lots of people out there, especially those who earned their fame through respect from other players, not from begging, so, unforch for you, not supported.

yogimoto -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:10:30)

Then Atleast Prevent People From Asking For Fame,Fame Is Supposed To Be People's Choice To Fame You Or Not If You Good Or Not, Not From Begging,Fame Is Supposed To Be Earned Not Begged

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:28:44)

oz world 7 is dead as the social point it used to be. move along.

Lord GaGa -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:29:43)

I always do it lol. Got over 300 fame doing that :D

TehXerOTehc -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:31:42)

You can say Fame is annoying but you could always learn to ignore...

wario the great -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:32:07)

1)avoid oz w7
2)say no most will stop
3)move away


by doing that you have got urself on the no fame list

yogimoto -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:42:00)

@above Everytime I Ask To Stop They Don't Stop

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 12:59:45)

It is a misunderstood feature. The feature was provided to give the game more opportunity to be seen by non players. Instead of seeing it from a broader perspective, it is only seen as personal or social "fame"

This is not the players fault who participate. This is a Artix feature that does provide no guideline of how use it for it's true intention. It is also miss-titled in my opinion.

Anyone who is in position caring or supporting children does see this feature, I think most would be disappointed. Young children have so many struggles with identity and being accepted for who they are, and the titling of this feature does not help anyone. It only brings attention about "Am I popular?", "Do people like me?", "Why doesn't any one want to fame me?". The demographics of the game is focused on young children and adolescents. It sends a mixed message within these forums that don't allow "Popular" or "Famous" threads to be posted, yet the game includes a feature that is titled Fame.

In the coming weeks, I will create a short video in showing how to utilize the feature for it's true intention. It would be more preferable if Artix Entertainment made formal introduction of this feature and why.

Do also remember, Epic Duel seems to be a test ground for these features. How ever you do feel regardless of viewpoint, do express them. If you say nothing, nothing gets done.


SCORPIOZZz -> i need support pls (5/6/2011 13:04:44)

I don t get it why no one gave a D*M About my post ????

Elf Priest JZaanu -> RE: i need support pls (5/6/2011 13:08:33)

This issue can only be handled by Artix. No matter what we say, we can't aid you. Every country has different exchanges and commerce laws.

Angels Holocaust -> RE: i need support pls (5/6/2011 13:09:01)

Artix tends to screw over people from other countries.

8x -> RE: Fame Has To Stop! (5/6/2011 13:09:33)



by doing that you have got urself on the no fame list

Yay? :D

Cinderella -> RE: A serious problem (5/6/2011 13:10:56)

If you have an issue with payment, please visit the help page for payment issues: http://www.aq.com/help/

I have no control over the global economy.


It appears I accidentally merged two unrelated topics. I apologize, it's been a rough day for me.

Adam in Wonderland -> RE: A serious problem (5/6/2011 13:12:20)

Try "Cherry Credits" Or "Click N Buy" option to pay. I believe it is international.
Also, using any credit card can also be used...there are alot of payment options.
Doing small battleon points offers, such as "Videos", etc...is also a good, quick and easy was to earn some points.

Polandor -> RE: A serious problem (5/6/2011 13:17:51)

the should make a ask for fame button like a buddy request button.

And at the same time make a ignore fame request button.

For ppl like me who hate the fame system in epic duel.
And don't wont to give or receive fame.

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