The current ED community (Full Version)

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Shadronica -> The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:32:32)

I do not like what I am seeing in the new community generation.

Its a shame that more Elites/Founders/Beta players aren't here to teach these impudent pups some history and some manners.

Most of the comments that have been posted that have opposed founders getting anything at all have either been totally misinformed or are motivated by their own greed and power trips.

Thankfully I have seen a few posts from players that do not have the founder armor that have supported the idea that founders should be able to PAY to enhance the armor so that it can be worn in future. I thank them not only for their support but I am so very thankful that there is still genuine people left in the community that aren't motivated blindly by their own greed and self importance.

From what I am seeing in the AE forums of late I wish Titan and Nightwraith the very best of luck handling the demands of this new generation. Never before have I witnessed such unreasonable and ignorant posts.

Unless a miracle happens with the way the game and community is going you will never have to worry about Elites/Founders or Beta players ever darkening the doorstep again.

I thank the game developers for giving the Founders a fleeting gesture of thanks but with this new generation of players they will never let you guys forget that you even gave Founders consideration. From what I can see their demands are going to be far greater than just allowing us to enhance an old armor.

I am a grandmother to five children and I fear what my grandchildren will have to face if the posts of many of these players represent the attitude in todays society. My grandchildren will never be shown this game because they would be absolutely horrified of the mean spirit.

The flaming and trolling in this forum needs to be addressed. This isn't just smack talk that we all enjoyed in the old ED forum this is ugly.

Your thoughts on how to tame this community?

helloguy -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:37:23)

There just like kids which most are the only way they will learn there place is through example

ORDER -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:41:44)

comment removed...

Mr. Black OP -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:42:10)

i teach the gammas some manners... the old fashioned way destroying them in a 2v1 [;)]
but in all seriousness monkey see monkey do... by that i mean we lead by example

Lord GaGa -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:44:39)

I remember we where all putting gamma on our sigs, welcoming the new genaration.
What a load of crap that turned out to be

Smackie El Frog -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:47:53)

Yeh kids these days need to respect us early supporters!

Soliqe -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:50:59)

Will you 5 people above look at yourselves? By saying that you're just exactly like them. So much for being the "mature" older ED generation...

xxmirxx -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 17:55:18)

Honestly find this week founders want enhancements and want to be top best armor. I am not interest to see founders all over again do copy and paste builts. I was on my post protesting fact that non founders are treat like second class. (off topic) I think you know what I mean by treat like second class. (back to topic)
I honestly am sick tired of here founders want more and more buffs. You guys need to move on. If you like armor so much don't sell it. But stop ask for buffs those type things are hard to show respect too. Yes the new players here are rude so are you guys.But how would make you feel if you waiste over 4500 varium on just armor. There was no promise ever made that founders will be best armor. Yes founder armor was good for year. shadist you know I have nothing against you. But I am stand up what I belive is not fair.

ED Prince of Shadows -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:01:54)

I do agree Shad, these people are getting used to the "digital age" where they think they can post whatever they want and never have it actually affect them. Thought this is the case IRL, these new players haven't yet known what we've gone through or what they are doing by slandering our names. I would like to say if they haven't a bit of respect for us, then we might as well have never been on the forums or EVEN played this game.. I just want to be treated like a player that has gone through a lot and thinks he know what he's talking about when he speaks out about something, but people treat it as if that isn't the case at all. Seriously though, the forum wars started every since the merge where everyone was enraged.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:05:07)

everyone notices how beta was so much better then gamma, and in my last 5 2v2 fights ive noticed that some newer players were acting very immature, reporting me for healing, saying they have a magic ban button to ban me forever, and my last 2 1v1s they both said press f5, anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

hardcore59 -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:05:54)

shadronica i know what you mean i made a post my self about this issue

Soliqe -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:07:27)


everyone notices how beta was so much better then gamma, and in my last 5 fights ive noticed that some newer players were acting very immature, reporting me for healing, saying they have a magic ban button to ban me forever, and my last 2 1v1s they both said press f5, anyone else see something wrong with this picture?

You obviously didn't catch the figure of speech there. By saying you(not you exactly but as a generalization) are better than someone makes you just as low as them. I understand the new generation is hardly... tolerable... at times. But still, we shouldn't rebuke them for it. That's what the moderators are for.

*Nova* -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:10:42)

Actually I only see unreasonable and rude comments occur only here on the Forum.
I rarely see any in-game and those are either foreign players or underaged.

Of course, Gamma Behavior is going to seem worse than Beta because the game is free all across the world. And there's a lot of people on Earth.
Beta was only made up of a few hundreds of player, maybe not even. The point is that most Gamma Players are not immature, some of them may be disable in some ways but that's because the Game has become F2P and that makes it so just about any player can make an account and start playing.

Mr. Black OP -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:11:53)

yes ik that and by saying lead by example , i meant we be polite, to them even when they do that as i ddnt even respond to them, im srry if my post sounded like i was rebuking them when i did not intend too

Deimos... -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:18:33)

I rarely post on this forum because some people don't take the time to read the whole post they just read some of it, read half or less and doesn't know the whole story and makes an ignorant post later.

The reason I play ED is because of the community. I like the community. Its really good, but sometimes these new gamma players ruin it almost. Not ALL OF THEM ruin it, but some of them do. It makes me really sad :( Sometimes Im having lots of fun and this guy says something very rude to me thinking he is being funny. I do not have very good grammer, but I try , because I am chinese ^^.

Oh and one time, this guy was being EXTREMELY racist at oz 7. I rarely go there just to have a normal convo and all I see is "f4f" "titan ruined my build!" "can i have var?" "DOES ANYONE HAVE A LVL 20+ ACCOUNT TO GIVE ME" Today I was happy though, I had a normal convo with this guy in oz and it made my day xD.

The new fame thing too... Everyone spams. Now I know MOST people have spammed at least ONCE after the fame thing.
Its because we all want fame. Now if the people that spam it all the time just stopped spamming then no one would spam except for those ignorant ones and no one would fame them. I say that because most people who say fame is stupid swallow their pride and beg for fame just to keep up their reputation or to win rising star.I can't really explain what I mean in words.. but its like... you see this guy with 1000 fame and you only have 300.. you wanna get more fame than them.. YES I know it now! Jealousy! I don't know why the admins invented fame. It was suggest on forums and everyone agreed it was gonna be a bad idea. Then like 3 weeks later fame comes. xD Oh well. I think they should block "ff4f" the word "fame" and the only way you can fame people is if you lose or win a battle and then just like how when you beat a boss npc ur facebook thing pops up, there should be a fame button that pops up, and you can fame them or not to fame them by clicking cancel. That way, people will be more encouraged to fight, rather than sit all day and beg for fame. Everyone wins then! People who want fame still get fame, they might play more to become better so they win more, therefore getting more fame, and people won't get annoyed by the people who used to spam fame, because... the word "fame" is blocked! ;D There should still be the fame button on the char page though, so you ED can attract more people.

I know lots of people who would agree with shad.. Epicness tells me everyday on what he feels about the ED community. I still like the community because there is still a chance they can change. Some will change for the better, some will change for the worse. Sorry if this confused you because my grammer was bad... but I took a long time typing this so you can have a better reading experience :)

~ iamawesome

Jacktaz -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:19:53)

Please everyone be calm.
I am a gamma player.
And get along fine but this week has been a bit crazy for both founder/elites/betas and gammas.

Actually I only see unreasonable and rude comments occur only here on the Forum.
I rarely see any in-game and those are either foreign players or underaged.

Of course, Gamma Behavior is going to seem worse than Beta because the game is free all across the world. And there's a lot of people on Earth.
Beta was only made up of a few hundreds of player, maybe not even. The point is that most Gamma Players are not immature, some of them may be disable in some ways but that's because the Game has become F2P and that makes it so just about any player can make an account and start playing.

Thank you for proving my point.
for example like you said nova any kid of any age could just sign up and start playing.
We aint all bad remember and i seriously agree about most gamma kids been insolent. it realy ruins the game.
But please i know some very mature gamma players and not all of us are bad.

Deimos... -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:24:57)

This is gonna be pretty hard to end but ill try..? Founders and beta and elites and non founders f2p players... Always fighting back and forth. SO they make a topic trying to stop it but that just makes it worse and more people do that and more and more and it keeps going and EVEN NOW im doing it so what im trying to say is, everyone stop. no more posts about the fight. dont even answer mine. and if still no one is happy then its the devs fault and we can't blame each other :P

EDIT: Wait, im Dead serious don't even post anything that has to do with my post so DONT SAY " I agree" or "I disagree"

DONT EVEN REVIVE THOSE TOPICS LIKE "This must end" "Founders are greedy" Etc or in any form of that. That is the only true way to end it :)

Soliqe -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:27:02)


and if still no one is happy then its the devs fault and we can't blame each other :P

This is exactly the opposite of what this thread is trying to do. Stop blaming the developers and stop blaming each other. Blame yourselves(myself included) because it's us who have the issues.

Deimos... -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:29:01)

Deleted by me

solique (plz read my edit then delete ur post or something D: just dont reply on my post plz"


Soliqe -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:30:31)


Hey please can you delete that.. ill just edit my message but plz read my edits.. your just making it worse by replying to me! hurry before more people read it and flame u and me hurry

I'm not mad at you or flaming you, and I doubt I'll be flamed for saying the truth. I'm saying saying what you said was wrong. I agree with a lot of what you said. I just wanted to correct that small line.

Calogero -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:34:07)


Not to be the rude one but what does the ED community have to do with the recent Founder-problem??
this is about the community itself, no?

Back on topic, I have to agree that the community here is more ' rude ' than the other sections.
No idea what that is but I think rules need to be stricter to prevent any flaming at all

Soliqe -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:38:04)


I have to agree that the community here is more ' rude ' than the other sections.
No idea what that is but I think rules need to be stricter to prevent any flaming at all

EpicDuel is the only "true" competitive game in AE. Hence, tensions are higher, bickering commences, and flame fests happen on the usual occasion. I recall the old EDF having around 3 flame fests a day.

Shadronica -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:41:51)


I have used the recent founder issue as an example of the general reflection of the ED community at large.

I do not ask that a NO flame policy be implemented. What I am asking is that players look at the thread and read it firstly then take a little time to think before posting a nonsensical knee jerk reaction.

Calogero -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:42:14)

@ Soliqe
Actualy if I remember correctly Mechquest had one of the worst flame war period ever.
Dragonfable aswell, which they turned into an event ingame ( Cysero Defenders )

also the flaming isn't because of the competitive of ED
People here are mostly just looking for excuses to start a war

The Game -> RE: The current ED community (4/28/2011 18:47:22)

Sorry. I'm kind of sick, so pardon the lateness. This thread was created with certain goals in mind. While I appreciate the concern for trying to raise the standards of behavior of the game-base, this threads reeks of superiority, demeaning the new generation, calling them "impudent pups", saying that they need to "learn their place." This kind of behavior is shocking, quite frankly, given that this thread was aimed at endeavoring to improve the status-quo as it relates to behavior. As an ED GD, I cannot and will not tolerate any sort of behavior which demeans others because it is not warranted and cannot be justified under any circumstances.


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