I Deserve It! (Full Version)

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Soliqe -> I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 17:49:36)

Got your attention didn't I?

The forums are run over with a pathetic argument of Founder versus Non-Founder. It's time to end these arguments with an ending argument. There is fact and fiction being thrown around at both sides of the fence. Presumptions, and Falsehoods. I made this thread to settle the argument, and show the facts.

TROLLS: I will not feed you today, (although I'm tempted) however, even if you disagree, you will be burned like a witch by the village people(the knowledgeable players).


Fact about Founders(Elites/Alphas):
-Founders were not "promised" but were "told" that Founder Armor would be ONE OF THE STRONGEST Armors in EpicDuel.
-Elites have no argument against the promise being broke, as it's in EpicDuel's T&A that they are elligible to change any feature as they please.
-Founders have an armor and an achievement. (yay?)

Fiction about Founders(Elites/Alphas):
-We are not greedy. If you think we're greedy because we asked for something, that's your own issue.
-We are not "noobs" for saying we were the first to believe in this game. We were before you, and therefore did believe in this game. Do not try to counter this as you can't counter time.
-We are not the lowest varium paying players. Countless Founders empty their wallets in this game. Don't try your petty argument that we don't support as much as you.

Ending Comments for this section: We're just people like you. We're not elitists, we're not any more special than you. We simply are saying we supported the game first. That's it.


First, I want to say that without you all the game would not exist. But that doesn't give you the right to troll the founders for asking for a miniature upgrade to a piece of art on a coded computer screen. We're not being Greedy for asking that. You can give me all the examples of founders who are complaining all you want to. Who is that? Honestly? 2 People. WOW that's a majority...

Second, you have no right on this earth to say that you supported this game more than anyone. Everyone here has supported, and having the fattest wallet does not make you any better than the non varium over there in the corner. Simply by playing the game you're supporting, by giving feedback for the game you're supporting. It's not about the (french)freaking money, it's about playing the game and being who you are.

Has everyone here lost their minds? What happened to our "friendly" community? All we do is nothing but mob threads, and strike at the Developers because we think we know how to manage their jobs more than they do. Do you know how to code? Do you know how to use Flash CS5, and make amazingly detailed items? I don't think so. Even if you can use flash, you're probably not as good as Char and Wraith. Even if you do coding, I'm sure you can't rewrite all the coding Titan has done for us.

We all look pathetic and sad. No wonder why players outside our community call us rude. BECAUSE WE ARE. We're all selfish(me including) and we all want it our way.

Can we not stop saying "me" and start saying "them"? Is it hard to ask that we stop putting personal preferences in the game and think about the game as whole?


It's time to end the fighting, it's time to turn the community upside down. We're looking awfully stupid at the moment, and bickering about a pathetic piece of (french)crap clothing won't get us anywhere.


*Nova* -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 17:55:28)


We were before you, and therefore did believe in this game. Do not try to counter this as you can't counter time.

Actually you could.
How can you possibly say, we would not have supported the game when we did not even know it existed?
That's not a problem with time at all. It's about knowing certain things that are not the same with other individuals.


Second, you have no right on this earth to say that you supported this game more than anyone.

This was under "Non-Founders," but I have seen a founder as well as a Non Founder saying the exact same thing.


the right to troll the founders for asking for a miniature upgrade to a piece of art

I did not know that demanding Founder Armor to be forever the BEST was a minor upgrade.


You can give me all the examples of founders who are complaining all you want to. Who is that? Honestly? 2 People. WOW that's a majority...

We said "some" not "all."

AQWPlayer -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 17:55:52)


You can give me all the examples of founders who are complaining all you want to. Who is that? Honestly? 2 People. WOW that's a majority...

That last part really made me LOL

We're all selfish(me including) and we all want it our way.

But you are not as selfish as the others that want everything that is good to fly towards them xD

Soliqe -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 17:58:48)


This was under "Non-Founders," but I have seen a founder as well as a Non Founder saying the exact same thing.

It was meant for everyone, but I had seen the rise in NonFounders saying they kept on paying more then us. Which is partially true with some players, but not all.

Edit: Also, if you noticed, only several people have said that. I'm pretty sure the majority said that they wanted(+1 res) to the armor. Please stop trying to cause controversy, your borderline mockery will not be tolerated.


How can you possibly say, we would not have supported the game when we did not even know it existed?

*head tilt*

Because you didn't.... Seriously? You're asking me that. I didn't say you "wouldn't have" I said "DIDN'T".

Mr. Black OP -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:00:57)


Fact about Founders(Elites/Alphas):
-Founders were not "promised" but were "told" that Founder Armor would be ONE OF THE STRONGEST Armors in EpicDuel.
-Elites have no argument against the promise being broke, as it's in EpicDuel's T&A that they are elligible to change any feature as they please.
-Founders have an armor and an achievement. (yay?)

to all the founders who want a buff, notice how it said one of the strongest, not the strongest

AQWPlayer -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:02:12)

I got a simple solution to this: any more threads concerning founders getting a buff get an insta-lockage. It isn't the best way, but it will work.

*Nova* -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:03:18)


I'm pretty sure the majority said that they wanted(+1 res) to the armor

I literally only saw one guy say that.


Please stop trying to cause controversy, your borderline mockery will not be tolerated.

No really, I'm not. I respect you for posting this thread.

xxmirxx -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:07:56)

WOW I find you to be too face person. your one act like non founders are trash and whinners. non founders have been asking to treat as equal. Not you guys getting special treatment we get nothing. You need to wake up start think of new genderation. Not stuck in past at least I am think of new genderation.

Soliqe -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:13:54)


WOW I find you to be too face person. your one act like non founders are trash and whinners. non founders have been asking to treat as equal. Not you guys getting special treatment we get nothing. You need to wake up start think of new genderation. Not stuck in past at least I am think of new genderation.

You really can't remain quiet can yo-- Stay down Soliqe >_< Don't feed the troll. CRAP! Already did.

First, it's "Two Faced" emphasis on the W. I'm sorry young man, but you need to be put in your place. My comment regarding nonfounder in my past posts were not to them in general, but mainly to you. If I recall correctly, you've started a lot of arguments. But this thread is about NOT arguing. Please leave my thread or I will report you for harassment and general discord of this thread. Got it? Great, have fun Dueling.

DeathGuard -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:14:08)


We are not "noobs" for saying we were the first to believe in this game. We were before you, and therefore did believe in this game. Do not try to counter this as you can't counter time

I dont think you're noobs but we know you were the ones to believe but I must say you were told about the game for example I started 2 weeks after beta begun and I didn't became a "Founder" because I was just around 12 and didnt know about payments until now but what? I got a solution for this Give the founder the 1 point resistance and dont give them varium HAPPY?? I know you must huh [:D]

He Who Lurks -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:14:48)

What I find so funny about this whole situation is how one person started a topic explaining how founders aren't being "remembered" enough and the rest followed. This started about 3 weeks ago I believe. Before that topic was posted, founders didn't feel like they were "unappreciated" but they decided to take advantage of the situation, and what that got them? 1000 free varium and they still want more.

Soliqe -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:16:54)


What I find so funny about this whole situation is how one person started a topic explaining how founders aren't being "remembered" enough and the rest followed. This started about 3 weeks ago I believe. Before that topic was posted, founders didn't feel like they were "unappreciated" but they decided to take advantage of the situation, and what that got them? 1000 free varium and they still want more.

Very much true.
I personally believe there are an elect few to blame for this, but I'll remain from naming names. The first thread was simple and innocent, but there's always a bad apple who spoils our bunch, and some apples decided to spoil it. But like Nova below me said, it wasn't all of them.(and I figure you didn't mean all)

*Nova* -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:17:18)


Before that topic was posted, founders didn't feel like they were "unappreciated" but they decided to take advantage of the situation, and what that got them? 1000 free varium and they still want more.

Some of them probably did, but definitely not all of them.

That's what I'm saying about the + 1 res upgrade. That won't last long, they'll soon be back for more.

Calogero -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:18:55)

@ He Who Lurks

that's called greed... trust me when I say, this won't end...
If they get what they want now, next year same thing will happen...

they'll* try to get as much as possible from Titan and Night

*they'll as in most of them but not all

Shadronica -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:24:09)

Wonderful post Sol. I find it amazing that we have both voiced our concerns regarding the community at large at the same time.

@ xxmirxx.

Its a shame you don't have a PC to be able to play the game. I hope you get one soon because you are considered to be flaming and trolling on this forum.

Soliqe -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:24:33)


Well we were "told" that we would receive an occasional gift. It's not bad to remind people of what they said. I'm not saying I care about receiving anything as being a founder. I agree we've received a lot, but it's all about staying true to your word, and I believe that's what many founders have been wanting.(Truth that is)

Practel -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:36:41)

Wow, Soli, that was an amazing post.

Im creating a word doc and copying + pasting it incase this gets deleted, this is just amazing.
You have said the truth, and you did it in a strong way.
I hope you guys realize what Soli posted is the truth, Im always in a 2v2 battle and the varium player calls the non varium a noob. What is so different about him? Night has repeatedly said that what they give the Founders, Elites, Alphas, Beta, and Gamma players is soul on their own whim. If this game turned into "I PAY MO MONEY THAN YOU YO, I WANT A REWARD" there would be no release, now get with the picture people. YOU are the ones that are scorning the EpicDuel name.

Amen to you. That post just blew my mind.

You did a great thing.

xxmirxx -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:37:05)


Founders were not "promised" but were "told" that Founder Armor would be ONE OF THE STRONGEST Armors in EpicDuel.

ok were does say that founder armor would be one of strongest. http://forums2.battleon.com/f/tm.asp?m=18284670


-We are not greedy. If you think we're greedy because we asked for something, that's your own issue.

you were ask for armor to match bunny armor and get buff as well. can you explain to me if Elites/Alphas came before first how does founder is wait beside them btw founders came out same time as beta. I get these days founders don't want to feel week.

Soliqe -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:42:59)


I'm sorry, but until you can write something comprehensible(referring to second comment), I will not reply.

Although since I can interpret your first question, I'll answer it: The comment can be found in the EpicDuel Forums. It was said there. Not here. I'm assuming you were never a member of the EDF so of course you probably did not know that.

Sparticus -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:45:45)

@xxmirxx: I think your missing the point of this thread. You keep arguing over a useless point, thinking you are right and trashing those who don't.

The point of the post was to "just let it go and move on." Re read the opening post. It was well thought out so take your time and understand what is being said. Arguing diminishes us all as a group. Just let it go and move on.

@`Soliqe: Time to follow your own recommendations.


It's time to end the fighting, it's time to turn the community upside down. We're looking awfully stupid at the moment, and bickering about a pathetic piece of (french)crap clothing won't get us anywhere.


xxmirxx -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:45:54)

What shame I was on forums..

Nebula -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:46:17)

@Solique I think he was asking why Founders ask for an armour buff when Elites and Alpha came before us?

I'll give my answer:

Alphas paid for nothing. Some may have paid later but they didn't pay anything to get the alpha achievement/weapons.
Elites get everything founders get.

Shadow Jester -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:51:43)

Nice Post Lotus

Their was more then 2 complainers..

I been active but not posting comments to threads because if i post something in the complaining threads..I get "pwned"

Founders that are greedy and selfish ... Need to stop it! The Admins said founder would be one of the best armors... not forever

xxmirxx -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:52:52)

above thank you for answer my question. I think best if I don't make anymore comment here on this post or shadist. That be said its time for me to move on.

sk1tz -> RE: I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 18:57:15)

thing is founders are generally more clever than non founders.

its not the founders fault he is was at the right place at the right time.

geez some people need to just chill out.

founders are special, try to remember that people, sheesh.

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