Soliqe -> I Deserve It! (4/28/2011 17:49:36)
Got your attention didn't I? The forums are run over with a pathetic argument of Founder versus Non-Founder. It's time to end these arguments with an ending argument. There is fact and fiction being thrown around at both sides of the fence. Presumptions, and Falsehoods. I made this thread to settle the argument, and show the facts. TROLLS: I will not feed you today, (although I'm tempted) however, even if you disagree, you will be burned like a witch by the village people(the knowledgeable players). Now: Fact about Founders(Elites/Alphas): -Founders were not "promised" but were "told" that Founder Armor would be ONE OF THE STRONGEST Armors in EpicDuel. -Elites have no argument against the promise being broke, as it's in EpicDuel's T&A that they are elligible to change any feature as they please. -Founders have an armor and an achievement. (yay?) Fiction about Founders(Elites/Alphas): -We are not greedy. If you think we're greedy because we asked for something, that's your own issue. -We are not "noobs" for saying we were the first to believe in this game. We were before you, and therefore did believe in this game. Do not try to counter this as you can't counter time. -We are not the lowest varium paying players. Countless Founders empty their wallets in this game. Don't try your petty argument that we don't support as much as you. Ending Comments for this section: We're just people like you. We're not elitists, we're not any more special than you. We simply are saying we supported the game first. That's it. NonFounders: First, I want to say that without you all the game would not exist. But that doesn't give you the right to troll the founders for asking for a miniature upgrade to a piece of art on a coded computer screen. We're not being Greedy for asking that. You can give me all the examples of founders who are complaining all you want to. Who is that? Honestly? 2 People. WOW that's a majority... Second, you have no right on this earth to say that you supported this game more than anyone. Everyone here has supported, and having the fattest wallet does not make you any better than the non varium over there in the corner. Simply by playing the game you're supporting, by giving feedback for the game you're supporting. It's not about the (french)freaking money, it's about playing the game and being who you are. Has everyone here lost their minds? What happened to our "friendly" community? All we do is nothing but mob threads, and strike at the Developers because we think we know how to manage their jobs more than they do. Do you know how to code? Do you know how to use Flash CS5, and make amazingly detailed items? I don't think so. Even if you can use flash, you're probably not as good as Char and Wraith. Even if you do coding, I'm sure you can't rewrite all the coding Titan has done for us. We all look pathetic and sad. No wonder why players outside our community call us rude. BECAUSE WE ARE. We're all selfish(me including) and we all want it our way. Can we not stop saying "me" and start saying "them"? Is it hard to ask that we stop putting personal preferences in the game and think about the game as whole? Ridiculous. It's time to end the fighting, it's time to turn the community upside down. We're looking awfully stupid at the moment, and bickering about a pathetic piece of (french)crap clothing won't get us anywhere. `Soliqe