Destroying Ourselves? Lock Please! (Full Version)

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DeathGuard -> Destroying Ourselves? Lock Please! (4/28/2011 18:37:52)

I have take the time to read all the threads about founders, Year of dragon players and nonvarium people trying to get powerful weps so they can at least give some fight to varium users ( Thanks 8x for supporting always nonvarium players)and Soliqe's and shadronica's post really make me feel upset about all the players in this game. It doesn't matter if we are different generations we must help each other. I always say beta was the best phase here but why? Players was almost alwyas kind and some even take the time to give some really awesome builds. If we continue this way acting with greed we wont get too far, we are making ourselves being destroyed.
Thanks~xDeathGuardx (cyberbakio ryugan)

AQWPlayer -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:49:00)

Agreed [:-]

Light Stridr -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:50:39)

In other words, we are all going to end up quitting out of sheer frustration if we simply continue to go against each other in a power struggle. Right?

DeathGuard -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:51:43)

Yea you catch up the message ^^.

sk1tz -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:52:43)

is this a discussion?

whats the point of this post?

DeathGuard -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:54:45)

Discuss our future in this game if we continue acting with greed.[:D]

Soliqe -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 18:58:48)

Although I thank you for taking to heart about what I mentioned in my thread, I don't want you do be upset at our community. The cycle of Hatred won't end until we stop hating ourselves. So instead of being upset, let's start caring, and let's start turning EpicDuel upside down.

DeathGuard -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 19:02:53)

Hatred is not the best option and yes we must start caring about our lovely players .

sk1tz -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 19:09:10)


Although I thank you for taking to heart about what I mentioned in my thread, I don't want you do be upset at our community. The cycle of Hatred won't end until we stop hating ourselves. So instead of being upset, let's start caring, and let's start turning EpicDuel upside down.

I dont hate myself, just hate most of you muahaha joke.

yes we do need to start caring for each other, and showing each other true love just like jesus did.

Ashari -> RE: Destroying Ourselves? (4/28/2011 19:34:26)

Locked at the request of the thread starter. Have a good day!

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