TankMage -> RE: Faction searches (4/29/2011 22:24:54)
-.-, I posted this idea awhile ago and it got locked. quote:
I think Factions should have Factions Pages just like character pages. I think it would give the Factions something for the Whole community to see. Faction Page Layout could be set like this. -Picture ( Could Be a Small Picture of everyone in the faction around the faction Flag.) -The Faction ( Would simply have a list of the Founder, Officers & Members of the Faction.) -Faction Achievements ( Number of World Dominations, 1v1 Factions winners, 2v2 Faction Winners & Flags Captured ) -Faction Overview (Gives an overview of the faction, Total 1v1/2v2 wins, Influence, Factions total win%, Total War kills, Score & Fac That was the post I created awhile ago.