Silent Scream -> George Lowe Boss NPC (What A Beast) (4/29/2011 20:50:54)
Seriously... How are you meant to defeat him? Lol I just tried for the first time and got smashed (Im level 33, Tech mage) Ive talked to a few people about beating him and most of them say you either need to get very lucky or you need the frost weapons for a certain build to get him.. but i dont see the fairness (Ugh i hate moaning about fairness but i think it applies here) in the only way to be able to beat him is to have a weapon that is rare and few people have.. or just lose 100 times before you get very lucky and finally destroy him He has 520 HP....... Thats beyond being a beast, thats insanity Lol What do you guys think about him? and have any of you tried or actually defeated him? - Silent