Basicball -> RE: A little continuation to player appreciation. (4/30/2011 13:10:08)
there is nothing wrong with whishing you had more, as long as it isn't flaming and yelling, we have a no, but we might get a yes -Faction treasure chest (members donate cash and/or var, founder can buy weaps with that, and members can 'lend' each weapon out of the chest for 1 hour/day max (only 1 member can lend the same item at once, unsellable) -Trading, but not permanent => trading was said to never come cuzz of scamming, but if you lend your items to someone for a day for le'ts say 1/20th of the shop prize, people can try out weapons, they can pwn npc's, and if you have weaps you don't use, you can make some extra cash on it, you get it back after 24 hours