Cure Xaria (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Cure Xaria (4/30/2011 23:49:05)


Cure Xaria

Location: GEARS Games 2011 -> Xaria -> Cure
Objective: Xaria is affected by the Shadowscythe Virus, it's time to cure her! / You protected Xaria from the Shadowscythe forces outside Specific Hospital!
Requirements: None
Release Date: April 29th, 2011

  • Corrupted Wolfblade
  • Corrupted Runehawk
  • Corrupted Mystraven

  • Nurse Helia
  • Warlic
  • Anastasia
  • Jaania
  • Casca
  • Nigel
  • Xaria

    Nurse Helia: I'm working to cure Xaria now, but we aren't out of the woods yet.
    Nurse Helia: She was a valuable asset to the Shadowscythe, and they won't give her up without a fight!
    Nurse Helia: <Character>, I need you to stay out here and defend the hospital in case they attack.
    Nurse Helia: You cannot let them through to her no matter what happens!
    Nurse Helia: Good luck <Character>, we're all counting on you.


    Anastasia: The rescue mission went smoothly! I'm very impressed with <Character>!
    Warlic: It certainly did go astoundingly smoothly. Almost unbelievably so...
    Warlic: <Character> does tend to make the impossible seem easy, though.
    Anastasia: Poor Xaria. She looks awful...
    Warlic: Over a year of Shadowscythe infestation and mind-control...
    Anastasia: There's an old Equin saying... how does it go...
    Warlic: Girls just want to have fun?
    Nurse Helia: ...
    Anastasia: Very funny... do you really think this is the time to crack jokes?
    Nurse Helia: Actually, laughter really is a component of this cure!
    Anastasia: If only someone here were actually funny...
    Nurse Helia: What's that noise?
    Anastasia: Sounds like a mecha coming this way. <Character> is on patrol, so I'm sure we're safe!


    Jaania: I - I can't look at her. I know it's Xaria, but every one of my dendrites, neurons, magi-fibres, neofibri-
    Warlic: Yes, Jaania. I felt much the same while we were curing Sys Zero.
    Jaania: This just seems... different somehow.
    Helia: This is different. It's much more involved and complex. She was under their complete control for so long.
    Helia: The nanovirus is in late-stage assimilation, and the implants present with organic tetra-dynamic choreathetosis-
    Helia: Dire as that may seem... I do feel hopeful. But I share your unease, Jaania.
    Warlic: I also find it strange that the Shadowscythe keep sending mechas - as though they think they can get past <Character>...
    Jaania: I hear another one now, actually...


    Casca: This still seems like it's been awfully easy...
    Casca: I guess I'm just devious enough to be overly suspicious, huh...
    Warlic: You're not wrong to worry. Nurse Helia and the team are monitoring things closely.
    Casca: ...and I hear another single're sure this isn't some kind of diversion, right?


    Nigel: I'm eager to see my old friend, Xaria! I've missed her so much...
    Nigel: Will she be able to make a full recovery, do you think?
    Helia: As I keep saying, Xaria isn't yet out of the woods. When she's more stable, I'll be better able to assess her prognosis.
    Helia: I'm definitely hopeful!
    Nigel: Please C-Mail me if there's any change. Duty calls... but I'll be back as soon as I can!
    Helia: I have a feeling that your presence here is helpful, Nigel...
    Helia: ...and I also have a feeling that you haven't been getting any rest...
    Nigel: Being here is all the rest I need! Now I have to dash!
    Warlic: Nigel, I've arranged a little time off for you - so you actually are free to rest, or to stay here...
    Nigel: Thank you, Dean Warlic! I'm not at all sleepy. I'll stay here with Xaria!
    Warlic: It's kind of amazing that Xaria can sleep through all that battle racket outside...
    Nigel: I'm so grateful to <Character> for standing guard!

    All House Captains

    Jaania: Sys Zero sends his best wishes - he's gone back to the Observation Module for the second set of comparison brainscans.
    Casca: I was hoping for flying monkies...
    Anastasia: Do you think she can hear us?
    Nigel: I think so - Xaria? Xaria?
    Warlic: I think she heard you, Nigel!
    Helia: Look! She's --

    Xaria: ...
    Xaria: Where... where am...
    Xaria: This is... Specific Hospital... I'm in Soluna City...
    Xaria: I'm home again.
    Xaria: Perfect.

    If you lose:
    Nurse Helia: Oh no, <Character>! Are you alright?

    If you win:
    Nurse Helia: Way to go, <Character>! I knew you could do it!

    Rewards Shop:
  • Cure Xaria Rewards
  • Cure Xaria Valor Rewards

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