gotguts -> market. [where players come to buy items from other players] (5/2/2011 2:54:21)
I think we should have a market. Some players might think that selling items [or mech in that case] is a complete[:@]RIP OFF!!!![:@] For example, one player buys a mech for 1200 nova gems, but he can only sell it for 50 nova gems again!!! SOLUTION, at the market he can give himself the pay of, lets just say 500 nova gems and it's a bargain for other players as well! YAY!!! Now everyones happy!!![if we do have a market the let players also choose to sell their stuff for nova gems OR credits] Please think this through and agree with me![players will tell more people about those deals and the people who don't play mechquest will want to!] [:)] THANKS!!! Removed excessive smilies. Please note that there's a limit of three per post, thanks! ~Hay