Ultimate PvPer -> Adeventure Quest Worlds - Art Contest (MUst Submit by May 7th) (5/4/2011 18:34:19)
I cannot seem to upload my JPG image without failure. So I have uploaded It to youtube the link is:http://www.youtube.com/user/Miltoniusism?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/v4W_RSmX5P8
The Forgotten -> RE: Adeventure Quest Worlds - Art Contest (MUst Submit by May 7th) (5/4/2011 22:20:09)
And what's your question? Contest entries need to be made in the contest thread ... which I assume you're familiar with.
A good picture upload site would be http://photobucket.com; give it a try as Youtube's quality might not be ideal for art.