RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (Full Version)

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Silver Xoven -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 3:55:42)

*steals TM's entrance* Haidere.
:o copyright infringement!
Congratz, Fishman, you deserve it.
Thanks :D
So, do you like fish? [:D]
I like them...... a lot :P
I ask this almost every AK:
So, you're in a middle of a hurricane, and you're with the neighbour's sweet old lady, your best friend, and the girl of your dreams. You have a car, which can only transport TWO people. Who would you take with you out of the hurricane, and who would you leave to die?
I would get out of the car and let them all live :)
And yes, this was in 16 Blocks, a Bruce Willis movie.
Thought it seemed familiar
Anyway, congratz once again! [;)]
Thanks once again :D

Sainsbo -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 4:43:32)

im baaack ;)
Yay partay time again!
1) You didn't think i would just leave and not come back to annoy you, did you?
Nope wasn't planning on that :P
2) Have you ever seen the film "human centepide"?
4) If you have, did it make you throw up? ;)
I've heard it's pretty nasty
5) i can read your mind.I
6) Dont believe me?
7) Did you realize, that i missed out question 3?
Holy cow!
8) now you are going back to check, and saying to yourself * how did i not see that *
._. how are you doing this?
9) I cant think of anymore questions, so im just going to write this pointless sentence to waste your time ;)
Yay now I can write a pointless answer to waste your time :D
And once again, congrats on your AK ship ;)
Thanks again :D

SKRALL213 -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 4:54:18)

Your a .......... AK now
yuppers :)
i Would say Fish ArchKnight But You Dont Look like a Fish You look Like a ............. Chrome Fish!!!
Haha that's pretty funny because I'm using Google chrome :P
Congarts on Your AK Upgrade
Thanks :D
I Must Leave now I Need to go back to my Nice house (cave) & water My Bush
Have fun and if you need help just ask :D
Bye Lat Doom & Destiny Rule The World As One!!!!!?1

Let's hope so :P

Serpeants -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 5:41:42)

Wow new Archknight in DF Q&A.
Yuppers :D
/me hide fish to prevent being eat. ^O^
*looks at the fish that you are hiding*
Well, here the question.
Yay :D
1) What is your name Chisagen?
My name is Chisagen :P
2) What do you like to do in DF? For example: Fishing?
Well I like to PvP farm,fish,and most of all fight in wars :D
3) Who is your Favourite NPC in Dragonfable?
hmm that is a tough one I'm going to have to say Artix with Tomix in close second
4) If you have a NPC in Dragonfable, What will you want to be like?
I actually already had a NPC in Dragonfable :D
ok finish asking, so Q3 and Q4 will be a little hard for you. ^_^
Have a nice day!
Thanks you to :)

Trapper King -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 5:55:18)

Hiya Chis.
Hiya Trapper :D
Here are some questions for you:
Yay more questions :D
1. What is your favourite anime?
anime FMA Brotherhood
2. Fav manga? (if you have one)
Tie between Naruto and Bleach :P
3. Favourite DF character?
Artix :D
4. Outside of AE games., what games do you enjoy playing?
I usually enjoy playing on my PS3 :D
That is all,

megakyle777 -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 6:07:03)

(Appears behind Chisagen) Good day.
Good day there Mega :D
Congratulations on becoming an AK!
Thanks haha
It would appear in DF that in my quest to try and discover anything about Sepulchure I may be a little late in determining the identidies of the Spies in other towns. I hope this does not impede our actions.
Let's hope not we can't let him get the orbs!
So, who do you think the spies are in each town?
No clue really I'm thinking maybe Olaf is the spy in Dragsvard
Totaly calling it now, the fifth town to come under attack is either Amityvale of more likely Falconreach.
I agree :P
If you could have your own DF Saga what would it be about? Would you have your own amour and what? What would you look like? Would I be in it? Note: This counts as one question because I say so.
It would be about
Which evil being was it that recruited you into their dark service?
*looks left and right* it was Sky*shot*
How did they get you?
They knocked me out while I was fishing and when I woke up I had shackles!
Any tips on how to stay not caught?
Bring garlic lots and lots of garlic ;)
I'm hoping to obtain a definative list on how to not get caught by the evil ones via interviewing their victims on how they were caught. ANY tips that aid this goal are helpfull.
I'll try to help as much as I can :D
Goodbye. (fades into shaodw)
Later :D
(Appears right in front of Chisagen instantly)
wow that scared me :P
...Just testing your reactions and reflexes.
(Memo to self: After testing reflexes, if Chisagen turns evil due to the evil ones, Plan 548 with Protocol 7 may be appropirate to take him down)
XD Plan 548 huh? sounds cool :D

Bye. (Disappears into shadow again)

BlueKatz -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 6:13:57)

woaaa didn't' expect this. Welcome, hope u like this job
Neither did I, and thanks :D
I have to ask this, do you like to eat fish?
Of course I love to eat fish :D
And yeah :o I always ask AK this:
You have 2 buttons, click one will destroy your friends but saving you and the world, click the other will destroy you but saving other and the world. Click nothing will destroy the whole world (and you and your friends). What's your button?
The button that will destroy me but save everyone else :D
Have fun, cya
thanks ,and later :D

Voodoo Master -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 6:39:21)

New page new questions!
yay :D
Do you like any other food than fish?
Well I love pizza and hotdogs :), but my favorite food has to be Italian food :D
Do you have any super powers?
Well I can speak to fish :D, that and I can survive extreme falls and I can control water a little :P
Do you like any sports?
I love soccer,swimming,and tennis :D
If it's not too personal: How old are you?
Oh it's not a problem I am 5000000 years old :P
Do the archknights meet in a secret dark and scary cave to plan how to rule over the world?
We all meet in the cave we are all shackled to,and we plan to find a way to get outta the shackles :P
Hope they don't.
Anyhow I need to go now to hunt some fishes.
Bring me some please :D
Later :D

nield -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 7:56:20)

Aw hurro again!
Hiya Nield :)
* gives more <*}}}>< *
*accepts the fishies*
Do you like the fish symbol?

I love it haven't seen anything like it :D

Highlord Sendai -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 8:05:35)

Thanks :D
No questions from me...
aww darn :/
I'll plan the party :D
~Highlord Sendai~

Tatparjya -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 8:30:09)

hiyas Chisagen !!!!
Hiya Tatparjya :D
congrajuletions on being a AK.
Thanks :)
how do u like ur new post
I love it :D
whose your most favorite NPC from ll the AE games.
Artix with Tomix in close second :)
big bad arkelioth comes and steals my cookie i run after him and steal it back but arkelioth again steals the cookie then sek-duet XV comes and shots his laser cannons at both of us but then drakath appears and uses the wind-orb he stole back to send sek-duet XV flying back to sand sea. suddenly spelchur comes with a allmighty FISH WEAPON and defeats him....... but suddenly artix comes closing his eyes beacuse he was fighting pink undead and he STEPED on the cookie.
*gets some glue and glues the cookie back together* here ya go :D

Master K -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 8:43:26)

*Wild Mrbk appeared. What would you like to do?*
:o throw pokeball
*Mrbk uses 'Questions!' Its super effective!*
oh noez don't pass out!
Now, onto the greetings! Hello, Archfishwarmongerthingy!
Thanks haha
Im seeing a trend in the BoH...
a trend?
Whats your favorite DF water weapon?
Holier Smackerel :D
Whats your favorite DF fish weapon?
Big Fwish!
Whoes your favorite Moglin?
Twig for sure :D
Do you like dragons?
I love them they are just so amazing :)
Do you like the color...Navy Blue?
Navy Blue and Sky blue are my two favorite types of blue
Well...thats all I got in meh...
*What will Chisagen do?*
throw a pokeball :D
*Its mega effective! Wild Mrbk flees!*
*Chisagen gains 50 XP!*
yay lvl up!

Eric Greydawn -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 10:08:09)

*Darkness spreads out from the corner... a figure rises from the darkness*
:o oh now it's Mr.M!
Hiyaz Chisseh!
oh haha you scared me there for a second, Hello Eric :D
Bwahahaha I know your weakness!
._. U LIEZ!
There are TWO!!
Wanna bet?
Yesh I am willing to bet all of my stuffs!
*Whips out bottle of of malt vinegar in one hand and jar of tartar sauce in the other*
How did you know??
Sooo... If a fish were kept in a blender, do you think it would have a fear of the pulse button?
I wouldn't say dear I would say respect XD

Laos -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 10:09:22)

Hey there, Chisagen!
Hiya, Laos!
Congratulations and welcome.
Thank you :D
Have fun and good luck. :)
Thanks, and I will :)

Padfoo -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 10:12:48)

Thanks bro :D
To think I used to talk with you! I am honored now.
haha I'm still the same old person you used to talk to :D
Still following Bleach?
of course haha are you?
Peace bro!
haha later :D

Yes i am!

Zork Knight -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 10:44:16)

Hey there, Freaky Fish Guy!
Hey there Zork :D
WWYDIAZA? BTWAIAO (What would you do in a Zombie Apocaypse? By the way, Artix isn't an option.)
Darn,well in that case I guess just grab a gun and start shooting ;:P
Are you the guy who stole both my Scythefish and my Deathfin?
Do you have anything to do whit Twig?
It was a team effort :P
I guess you know this game. There are 26 briefcases here, each one whit a different kind of fish...
:D yay!
... Do you have some peach ice tea?
*gives Zork some peach tea*
That's all, fol, I mean, Freaky Fish Guy. But I will be back. And I will bring a cakefish!
I love cakefish... hey wait a sec the cakefish is a lie!

Pyzie_Julie -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 10:59:02)

Hello again~!!
Hiya Julie :D
Cats or Dogs?? [;)]
Dogs :P
I love cats! [:)]
Cats are meh :/
They love fishes too~ [8D]
:D ... wait I thought cats ate fishies 0_0
you're funneh XD
Thanks I try my best :D
see ya later [:D]
later :)

~Cursed Hero~ -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 11:20:57)

Hey, Guess what?
Chicken butt :D
No, Guess
Chips! @_@
Ok ill tell you :D
yay :D
Woot! Woot!
Were you surprised?
no I see all :P
ok you got me :P
So Howz AK-ing?
Great thanks for asking :)
Cookiez or Pancakes?
Cookies :D
Cookie monsters UNITE!
Guess what's the last question
awww :(
No, Guess
Ok ill tell you
yay :D
*Disappears with a fish Doomishly*

Cguy -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 11:21:48)

Hey Chisagen!
Hey there :D

How're you doing? :P
Great,how are you?

What type of fish is your favourite, and which is your worst?
Tiger shark is my favorite,as for my worst I would say tuna :P

Is your name inspired from anything, or have any particular meaning? :o
My name just came from me typing random letters until I found something that I liked :P

/me hands you a cookie
Thanks :D *noms on the cookie*

Well, I'm done. I look forward to working with you. Later! :D
I look forward to working with you as well, and thanks for stopping by :D

HellsWolf666 -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 13:07:18)

A)if a guy will give u 2 options what will u choose
1)to be eaten by sharks
2)eating 10 kg of TNT and explode on friday 13 under a double rainbow(of doom) next to a black cat in a hunted house in a graveyard with evil ghosts and zombies that wanna eat your brain
Can I pick none XD
B)u got your sword of the archknight??
nope not yet,although I am hoping to get it soon :D
C)what is your main job in here-locking threads?
cuz i got a successful soulweaver guide :)
Main job is to keep the peace,lock threads,help answer questions :P and congrats on your guide :D
D)if u will find a magical gold fish-will u ask from him to turn u in to a fish?
Nope, I would ask him if he could be my new weapon :D
E)do u know that some sharks can kill their brothers?
Nope didn't know that :O
F)do u like vampires?
i dont
Not really
G)last 1=am i annoying ??
the anser is


Haha no you aren't annoying :)
H)forgot it....oh yea-do u like the color i choose for my texts?

I love the color blue FTW!

wolfmansbro -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 14:36:59)

*Appears in a blast of arcanic energy, seemingly doomish but when he appears is just a child of ~15, brushing silver hair aside his purple tattoos glow, his fur and leather clothing ripple with the wisps of arcane floating by with the wind. Smiling at Chisagen he pulls out a deck of cards, and pulls a randomized five, spreading them on the table. He closes his eyes and sits down, focusing.*
*Inside the minds around him, the voices of archangels echo, giving a command.*
"~Observe the cards. State thou opinions regarding the images on the cards.~"
yay poker time :D
"~You do not know them? Wikipedia and try again. Now... how do you feel if you meet someone with Ichthyophobia?~"
I would try to convince them that there is nothing to fear :D
"~Again, wikipedia. Have you ever had Ichthyoallyeinotoxism?~"
No,and I don't intend to anytime soon XD
"~Lepidophagy is creepy, no?~"
More like weird o_0
"~So do you have some form of Schreckstoff?~"
Yes I would hope so :P
"~Are you sick of wikipedia?~"
Not really I could do this all day
*Stares at Chisagen, then speaks*
I know You know what I know.
Inception ;)
I went there.
Well, congratulations, talk to you later.
thanks :)
*Does not get up and leave*
Later :D
<Message not edited by Wolfmansbro ever.>

Shaiyal -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 14:44:26)

Chis! You didn't tell me you were an AK D:!
Sorry haha forgot about that :P
thanks :D
Here's your congratulatory shark. *Places a shark on a table*
wow thanks :)
Aaaand here's the bow.. *places a bow on the shark..*
Aaaand it's battle weapon.. *Gives the shark a scythe for battle*
Aaaand it's box for use in a present.. *Places the shark in a a box covered in sparkuly red wrapping paper*
It's so red ._.
*Pushes the box towards Chis*
Enjoy :D
Trust me I will =D
You will enjoy it right?
Of course!
(Ps. X³+2=0, X = -.666)

Mortarion -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 14:58:46)

*appears from a warp portal* Chissy I got some questions for you, beware they'll probably be traumatizing
Yay more questions :D
1. What do you think of FoF (fighters of falconreach), can it grow to be a rival (in the good term) to the BoH
don't really know what to think of them since they were just made :P, Yes any clan can grow to rival the BoH :D
2. if you found yourself in a place where people mutate and join their armours and weapons and their normally go mad, what will you do if you can't escape from it?
I would take over the world :D
3.What do you think of my history A path to madness?
Haven't read it yet :/
4.What are your thought of the friday the 13 war, could FoF team up with the BoH
I think it is going to be one epic war :D,If you fight for the same thing sure :D
Well that's all bye *dissapears in a warp portal*
Later :D
*reapears from warp portal* one last question, why do people say that AK are shackeld?
Probably because it's true ._. *looks at his shackles*
Well this time I go, byez *dissapears in a warp portal*
Later haha

Kix98 -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 15:32:27)

Hi Chisagen
Hiya Kix :D
1.So you like fishes
Yup :)
2.Got aquarium?
I wish haha
3.Is that Bleach Picture u use?
4.If it is you are manga fan right
Also correct
5. I heard you like Fish weapons too.
Also correct
6. Would you like to have samehada in DF?
nah really doesn't fit my style :P
7.R U fish slaping everybody while locking their treads or just peapole you don't like?
Nope it's not because I don't like them :P it's because that is my signature lock :D
8.Am I boring too you
nope not at all :)
9. Just asking
Haha it's ok :D
10.Cuz I'm boring to myself allready
11.Are you getting your archknight sword?
I hope so :)
12.How long took you too answer on this questions?
about 5 minutes haha
13.Can you pass me some of your fishmagic
I can try :)
14.Last question right...
second to last :P
15.OK limit reached see ya on 3th page
later :D

Bioshock -> RE: =MtAK= Chisagen [is eating your fish] (5/7/2011 15:38:29)

The world is ending?
Oh noez!
Who am I?
you are who I think you are
Where's Waldo?
in the lost void of no return
Who is the awesomestestestest?
Captain Falcon!

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