RE: What are your thoughts (Full Version)

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AQWPlayer -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/8/2011 13:32:08)

@Lord Sinastr
No more bunny please

Basicball -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/8/2011 15:12:28)

we have enough rares, no need for friday the 13ths

helloguy -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/8/2011 20:01:14)

We need some new claws :3 some as strong as Frostbites :3

AQWPlayer -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/8/2011 21:52:23)


we have enough rares, no need for friday the 13ths

Haven't had enough NON varium rares

T.600 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/9/2011 1:31:58)

We need armors that don't look gay!!!

helloguy -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/9/2011 18:01:10)

^Even I think that's cold, Anyways first we need to know if there's even gonna be a release. Last year there wasn't a Friday the 13th release due to lack of production, bu this year is slightly different, Can someone pm Titan,Nightwraith, Or/And Charfade to see what's up???

One Winged Angel1357 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/9/2011 18:28:43)

if they user player suggestion then it wont be rare and it will have a nice kick to it so that pleases everyone(save for anyone who gets left out)

T.600 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 5:16:07)

I've already Pmed cinderella saying this:



Could you suggest to Nightwraith, Titan and Charfade to make some seasonal "friday the 13th" rares along with a RARE armor and SEASONAL RARE achievment? It could be an opportunity for the April Fools day weps to go rare as well. I would be happy with just an armor,anything else is just a bonus. If you want a suggestion for the armor, maybe it could be a grim reaper armor. A black cloak that looks cool with a hood. If it has good stat modifiers and looks cool and is rare, non founders will be happy and the game can move on. If it was non rare It could disrupt balance I guess.



Thanks for the suggestion! I'll be passing it along- I'm not sure what exactly we have planned since we don't really want to directly compete with AQW's live event.


Fay Beeee -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 5:27:32)

A Jason helm (with blood that drips all the time)

Sageofpeace -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 8:53:52)

i can't believe that people are talking about this when the time is now even close and for all those who are strongly thinking about suggesting good stuff don't bother because they won't bother making it if is not involve money on it

T.600 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 8:57:34)

^I'd like to see you run this game Sageofpeace, enough said.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 9:01:54)

t.600 i am sure you are more capable them me since you don;t lacked the money to do it

T.600 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 9:10:20)

It's not about the money; it's about the business and of course being able to implement the features. If you knew anything about programming, then you would know how hard it would be to develop some of these features we desire in the testing phase of this game. Missions are still being built and tested; they aren't the real thing yet. The money comes from the customers and AE mostly, and the devs get a salary.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 9:14:25)

i understand you point of view but will you mind explaining me how rarity, fame fore fame, war kills, and etc. are fun a wanted feature. i don;t mind paying for the game if they are releasing wanted feature but if all they do is to get money even the little feature like fighting npc.

T.600 -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 9:19:53)

People asked for them to improve the faction war and they needed money, the result; warkills.
Nothing wrong with rarity although I'd say the limited rare system needs some fixing.
They could make some more feautres that we want, that's the reason why Cinderella has been appointed as a public relations manager or whatever so she can hear our problems.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Friday the 13th discussion (5/10/2011 11:22:59)

Still no matter how you see people been asking for new battle mode for ages and yet there is none. again achievement arrangement and tournament which actually involve pvp. as far as mission is still a incomplete feature so i don't mind but feature such as fame for fame, rarity board,war kills and even npc brainwash i do mind because it purpose is to get player to spend more varuim without necessity. the always said buying varuim is "OPTIONAL" if you don't wanted you don't have to but we are glad that you play this game and i wanted everyone to enjoy the game even though the difference between non varuim and varuim user is big. the weapons are cooler,bike,looks just making non varuim look and be week just to push player to buy varuim. the game need money staff get pay i get that what about costumer don't they deserve something as well specially does who stick since the beginning. just as staff need and wanted the money we need and wanted "PVP FEATURES"

Matgon -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 11:40:07)

Friday the 13th badge for 1300 tokens is not an option, its a must!!!

helloguy -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 11:44:48)

New set of weapons are needed there hasn't been any for a long time

H3P04 -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 11:51:40)

I would like a 1300 token 13th the Friday achievement.

Sageofpeace -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 12:44:26)

why do you people wanted achievement it means nothing is a broken feature such thing are not need i rather just a bug fixing update instead if they are going to release achievement.

Fay Beeee -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 13:14:51)

IMO this discussion is being spoilt (as usual) by a few trolls.

This was a general, light hearted, thoughts on what players would LIKE to see for Friday 13th. It is NOT set in stone and therefore does not need unnecessary flames. Constructive criticism yes, but the way I read this thread. All that was asked for is what would you like on Friday the 13th. NOT what you hate about other players suggestions.

This of course is my opinion only. :)
Now flame me as you usually do.

And Matgon great idea and easy to do I would have thought. :)

Santa ClawZz -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 13:51:10)

Do you have to use such a big font to tell us your opinion? I bet we can all read the normal font [:)]

Do you have to be so rude? The new seasonal/limited armors are supposed to be funny and scary. EpicDuel is not AQW where the only thing you do is match up so you look good.

Cookielord12 -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 13:56:08)

hahahaah if we get releases as half decent as AQW, ED would receive twice as much money as they do now

helloguy -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 13:56:37)

all i want is new weapons

Craneo -> RE: What are your thoughts (5/10/2011 14:46:20)

New weapons
No more Limited-Rare please[:D]

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