Ozīs key card (Full Version)

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Thylek Shran -> Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 1:22:24)

Anybody was able to get his key card ??
I fought him now more than 40 times
and still no drop ! I had red that the
drop rate is 9% but this canīt be true.

9% would mean that at 11th fight it would
drop in average. I think its more like 1%
drop rate !

Mr. Black OP -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 1:23:38)

i got it after 25 times
showoff [:(]

Silver Sky Magician -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 1:41:29)

5th time :)

EDluyil -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 2:52:13)

Wow too unlucky. I got mine after like 23 tries and I thought I was unlucky. They seriously need to make the chances at least 30%.

DillBagel -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 2:57:01)

After 20 something I don't have it, and I'm usually really lucky.

Kain Sariel -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:02:44)

Maybe it was changed? This morning I also got it on my 5th try.

RKC -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:10:58)

Got the key card on my 6th try.

edwardvulture -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:24:19)

What's the point? you get a level 15 gun in return

xxmirxx -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:27:46)

you sell it

King FrostLich -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:48:26)

Got it on my 1st try.

temtu -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:51:12)

6th try i got mine

RKC -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 3:53:21)

Well guys getting the key card is like rolling a dice some people get it some people don't.

King FrostLich -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 4:08:19)

Strange. And I was thinking this mission was a piece of cake which it was for me but for others....it isn't.

Fay Beeee -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 6:15:12)

Took me 41 trys.

dayday121 -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 6:51:08)

wow i musta been lucky i got it on my first try!

Tiago X -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:00:21)

3rd time was a charm :D

cOrbz -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:01:02)

Well, I still didnt do the mission as Im using internet in my mobile.
Hope I get 2-5th tries only. [:D]

Thylek Shran -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:16:31)

Thx for your replies I really seem to be unlucky. From the replies (10)
i have calculated that the drop rate is around 5%. For a correct number
I would need alot more and exact data.

SpeedNfs -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:17:09)

First try. Weird.

Nebula -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:32:58)

I got it on my second try. o.O

Cookielord12 -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 7:38:33)

took me 15 sighed a relief that i didnt have to go another hour

drinde -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 8:26:38)

What? How'd you get past the 5 Battles each NPC?

Strange. I got 1st Time on my Alt.

Weird. For my Alt, it was needed, so it dropped. For my Main, it was for Credits, and it dosen't. :/

Silent Scream -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 8:42:39)

Tried about 20 times, but i give up now Lol

Best part of it was doing some awesome damage on oz and laughing at the things he says

"Theres just something about that face... makes me angry"


- Silent

8x -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 8:51:17)

I got it in 2nd time.

Tiago X -> RE: Ozīs key card (5/8/2011 9:07:36)

Seems like I got lucky. That's not usual D:

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