Blooming Sakura Wrap (Full Version)

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Peachii -> Blooming Sakura Wrap (5/9/2011 5:33:01)

Blooming Sakura Wrap
A beautiful wrap for Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day!
(No DA Required)

Location: Mother's Day 2011, Mother's Day (Shop)
Price: 0 Gold
Sellback: 0 Gold

Level: 32
Element: Light
Bonuses: Crit +3, Magic Def +2, Pierce Def +2, Melee Def +2, WIS +4, CHA +4, INT +3, DEX +3, STR +3, Bonus +3
Resists: Light +5, Nature +5

Rarity: 5
Item Type: Cape
Equip Spot: Back
Category: Armor

Other information
  • Cape's description previously specified Happy Mother's Day, 2011!; this was removed alongside its 2015 re-release.


    Also See: Budding Sakura Wrap, Opening Sakura Wrap, Blossoming Sakura Wrap, Flowering Sakura Wrap, Flourishing Sakura Wrap, Fragrant Sakura Wrap

    Thanks to Jay for image, other information, and corrections.

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