Partner leaving (Full Version)

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5rr5 -> Partner leaving (5/9/2011 9:19:59)

When you have a partner who is leaving you in 2 vs 2 shouldn't we get more XP for that if we win because we deserve it [:@]

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 14:37:57)


hardcore59 -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 14:58:19)

maybe their xp gets taken down a little? <---(probly a bad idea)

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 15:01:27)

no you just lose and do another 2v2. any system that can be abused is a no for sure.

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 15:07:43)


no you just lose and do another 2v2. any system that can be abused is a no for sure.

Waiting The Admins To Reply. I Hope..

xxmirxx -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 15:09:04)

Why not call draw instead no wins or loses.

Theclown -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 15:17:29)

the person that leaves get ban for 24 ours

and i dont care if u got bad internet or pc

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Silent Scream -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 15:19:55)

I like the draw option..

im so tired of getting losses because my partners leave or they disconect.. its complete *censored*

Needs fixing asap.. ive made so many threads about it and it just doesnt seem to be getting through

They dont fix and improve the battle modes which ARE the main reason we play the game.. instead they add things like fame and brainwash

Stuff that we dont want and never asked for... its stupid -_-

- Silent

Tiago X -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 16:51:02)

If your partner leaves, just fight your but out and try to win the battle.
Someone as good as you , who seems to have a lot of skill, should be able to win easily, no?

AQWPlayer -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 18:34:00)

No because most of the people that win 2vs1 are varium

xxmirxx -> RE: Partner leaving (5/9/2011 18:42:57)

I agree above

Polandor -> RE: Partner leaving (5/10/2011 7:52:45)

High Priority
Improvement for the current battle mode 2-2 has bean broken for ever (3lv instead of 5 lv difference, also take in account stats bonus when making team in 2-2, to make more balanced team).
When you partner leave early (before he is dead).
The leaving partner get a loss (like now)
The leaving partner get a 30-60 min ban from 2-2 (he can play 1-1)

The one stuck in a 1 vs 2, should get No loss, and have the option to quit the battle, with no loss or win.
The one stuck also has the option to stay and fight if he lose, than normal lose, if he win than 4X normal 2-2 win reward.

The opposing team (2 partner team) Get a normal win, if the win, a normal lost if they lose.
They also get a win if both enemy leave.

5rr5 -> RE: Partner leaving (5/10/2011 16:10:06)

So isn't it a good idea to get more credits when your partner leaves and you win the battle?

beastmo -> RE: Partner leaving (5/10/2011 16:15:52)

what about if your partner leaves the game stops and the 3 players are back into finding a battle

Polandor -> RE: Partner leaving (5/10/2011 17:26:54)


So isn't it a good idea to get more credits when your partner leaves and you win the battle?

Yes it is, but it does not help the player left behind, and does not punish the one who left.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 12:53:29)

so right before you win your partner disconnects. you should be rewarded more credits even though it was 2v2 for most of it ?

i dont see what the big deal is. so you have more losses on your record, well so does everyone else and we all know that.

if it was a draw people could leave every time they didn't believe they could win, and the only punishment is being suspended
for a few minutes if you abuse it too much. i dont support any of the ideas suggested so far except hiding your loss record from
other players [an idea that had its own topic awhile back]

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 12:56:47)

the devs wont do anything they just wanna make more updates which are useless to us but usful to them. all i can say is they want more $$$$$. so solving the problems in 2v2 is at the very back of their to do list.

PivotalDisorder -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 13:02:32)

@Luna: please can you not post in these topics if you have nothing to offer but the same complaint over and over. WE GET THE POINT

The Death Angel -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 13:05:13)

Luna, please come back when you have a valid argument.
You've been using the "mods r sooo greedy, money minded ect ect" in every 2nd thread I spend my valuable time to watch.
If they are so greedy & money minded, why would you even bother to tell us that? If they in fact are either of those things, then simply telling that on the forums won't change the economics in the game.
So keep whining about the developers of the game you play, won't help anyone.

Ps. Yes, I only wrote this towards Luna & has no intentions of being useful for the purpose of this thread.

Luna_moonraider -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 13:16:04)

just saying my point it is a free world so pls dun complain u cant help it if your partner leaves u cant really do anything and the devs cant do anything also i have suggested an idea somewhere cant rember because i wrote loads of my ideas in these type of topic and come on the devs did not even read the topic basically if u do suggest something good the devs would just ignore it. i suggested that the battle ends once a partner leaves and no battle wins or losses are recorded simple idea but it was ignored. and these threads will be ignored too because 2v2 is othing 1v1 is the best thing in the world in ed basically 2v2 board and 2v2 players are always ignored by the devs. 2v2 is not so importannt in th devs eyes. i bet this thread is not gonna be in the first page for long and this trea will be oudated and no 1 say anything in it.

Buffy A. Summers -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 13:36:33)


Luna Is Correct. Partners Leaving Is One Of The Most Glaring Problems In The Battle System Now Since Beta Began.

It Ruins 2vs2 Records, In An Already Unbalanced Playing Field. The Devs Have NEVER Addressed The 2vs2 Problems.

And Luna's Point Is Right, They Are Too Busy Making More "Premium" Varium Type Features (War Kills, Brainwash, Gun/Aux Enhance)...

Then Doing Anything About The Major Problems Going On In 2vs2 Play.

Many Long Time Players Have Complained About This And Some Have Offered Good Suggestions That Might Help Improve On It.

Partners Leaving Is The Biggest Flaw In Their Entire Battle System. Again, They Have Done NOTHING To Address It.

But They Sure Do Have Time To Make New Ways For Players To Spend Varium.

Isn't That Funny? How They Have Time To Do That, ALWAYS.

Sageofpeace -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 13:47:06)

since the game has star it there has been not a single post from the devs saying that balance will come to 2vs2 and i don't think they even care or have gone to the trouble to look at it

Battle mode will never come and mission is the main object for the game from now on

The UnleaShedWolfZ -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 14:59:04)

I Agree With The Draw :D Mir Ur The Best :D

IsaiahtheMage -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 17:09:10)

100% Support! I am sick them leaving and me getting a measly 24 EXP and 56 credits I TOTALLY AGREE!!! I AM SICK OF IT!! AGREED!!! @Luna and Buffy I agree with you both.

Tiago X -> RE: Partner leaving (5/11/2011 17:25:13)

You can't complain about enhacements anymore... Oh wait , bike slots? Whoops :D

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