Polandor -> RE: Partner leaving (5/10/2011 7:52:45)
High Priority Improvement for the current battle mode 2-2 has bean broken for ever (3lv instead of 5 lv difference, also take in account stats bonus when making team in 2-2, to make more balanced team). When you partner leave early (before he is dead). The leaving partner get a loss (like now) The leaving partner get a 30-60 min ban from 2-2 (he can play 1-1) The one stuck in a 1 vs 2, should get No loss, and have the option to quit the battle, with no loss or win. The one stuck also has the option to stay and fight if he lose, than normal lose, if he win than 4X normal 2-2 win reward. The opposing team (2 partner team) Get a normal win, if the win, a normal lost if they lose. They also get a win if both enemy leave.