Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (Full Version)

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Lady Aleua -> Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/9/2011 18:02:17)

Cry of the Okami
Please tell me what you think!

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/9/2011 18:42:55)

Nice, good detail, very poetic. One question; if Serenity isn't human, than what creature is she when not a wolf?

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/9/2011 21:36:18)

Serenity is a wolf demon, she can shape shift between human,wolf, or anywhere in between. :) Ill make that clearer in the next part.

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 1:00:40)


She will help the humans in their quest


Now, I like the overall picture, but when does this story start?

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 16:48:23)

*appears from a warp portal* I must applaud you *claps his hands together* it's very good, I like the way Serenity is connected to nature, but if there is mother earth *his face is crossed by an evil smile* there must be also father death, decay, corruption, it's all a part of a natural cycle, and nothing can stop it, as you say so, sepulchure falls in no category, but I still like it *dissapears in a warp portal*

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:17:16)

@ DD: It starts just a bit after En and Tropy appear. Im starting it a little behind.

@Delex: Nope. Father TIME :) I see your point though.... *ponders*

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:18:49)

Well if you need me I'll dissapear and comment this possible threat to Papa Nurgle, oh also check my story *dissapears in a warp portal*

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:25:53)

There is Serenia the Harvest Goddess and Sylvanus aspect of the Earth Lord.

Then you have Pestilence, one of the Horselords that gains power through spreading plagues.

I was asking about when, since En and Tropy might be lurking about for much longer than the moment we actually encountered them.

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:29:01)

When they turned into the entropy dragon?

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:40:16)

@Delex: No, no, I'm talking about the fact that Sepulchure already knew Fae held the Nature half (replay cutscene where the Spy of Falconreach is revealed). He may have had them spy on her, but due to her agility she kept out of their hands or perhaps Sepulchure didn't deem the time right yet.

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (5/10/2011 17:41:24)

Oh I didn't understood you

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (6/28/2011 15:08:03)

Ill be continuing the story maybe every other week or so. depends when I have time

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 13:37:45)

NOTICE I have re-written the story! please tell me what you think!

Gingkage -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 13:41:15)

Impressive start. A couple spelling/grammar errors, but they don't detract from the over-all plot.

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 13:57:30)

I like it.... *ponders*

Mritha -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 14:40:24)

Very nice Serenity! Though I will admit when you described Thorn I thought it was Imaru at first ;)

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 14:47:56)

^I haven't thought of that, but last time I checked Imaru was a pirate and I was still a daemon of plague

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 16:09:29)

Okay, if you see any errors please point them out to me! Much appreciated!

Dwelling Dragonlord -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 17:40:38)

Something tells me True Mortal will not be able to tell her much, seeing he stands guard 24/7.

Then again ... Greydawn.

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 19:09:58)

@ DD hehehe... you'll have to wait and see ;)

Mortarion -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 21:00:19)

Hey Serenity, this is like a tradition to me [8D], but will you include other forumites characters or not? And tbh I am curios about Thorns role in Coto, care to give a hint?

Shadow Ravena -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/24/2011 22:31:18)

Very interesting, and very different from the first time! Must say that I like this better- it seems to be more story like (if that makes any sense...)
I agree with mirtha, I thought that was imaru, but was pleasently surprised to see it was Thorn. How TM can help, I guess we have to wait to see... can't wait ;)

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/25/2011 7:39:11)

@Tigerlady Im glad! And I totally understand what you mean, thats why I rewrote it :) As for TM, youll just have to wait and see! ;)

fygi -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (8/25/2011 10:19:29)


The breeze blew through her long silvery hair as she swiftly made her way down the mountain. Her golden eyes glittered as the sun started to set, staring straight for her destination.

I love the choice of words in the first sentence. It really wants to make you read more. I cant even count the number of times I have been put off by a story's first sentence which then caused me to not continue at all. But you made it so that I want to continue.

- Fygi

Lady Aleua -> RE: Cry of the Okami Discussion Thread (9/2/2011 0:55:44)

Chapter two is now up!!

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